
Qualified name: delphifmx.BaseBindScopeComponent

class BaseBindScopeComponent#

Bases: Component

Base class for the binding scope component. TBaseBindScopeComponent is the ancestor for the TCustomBindScope component. TBaseBindScopeComponent provides functionality for adding scope mappings, getting scope members and values, returning the scope itself or the scope of a member. It also provides properties for accessing the binding expressions in this scope and the scope mappings.



Connects methods to component events if they are named using the following pattern: Prefix_ComponentName_EventName.


Allocates memory and constructs a safely initialized instance of a component.


Disposes of the component and its owned components.


Returns the parent of a component.


Indicates whether the component has a parent to handle its filing.



Returns the TObject.ClassName


Specifies the interface reference implemented by the component.


Returns the owned component count


Indicates the position of the component in its owner's Components property array.


Describes the current state of the component, indicating when a component needs to avoid certain actions.


Governs the behavior of the component.


Returns an iterator over the owned components


Contains information used by the Form designer.


Specifies the name of the component as referenced in code.


Indicates the TObservers object added to the TComponent.


Returns the Component Owner


Stores a NativeInt integral value as a part of a component.


Represents information used internally by components that support COM.


Connects methods to component events if they are named using the following pattern: Prefix_ComponentName_EventName. Example: def handle_button1_OnClick(Sender): pass The function returns a list of tuples. Each tuple contains the name of the component, the name of the event and the method object assigned to the event. Note that the prefix parameter is optional and will default to “handle_”.


Returns the owned component count


Returns an iterator over the owned components

Create(AOwner: Component)#

Allocates memory and constructs a safely initialized instance of a component. Data.Bind.Components.TBaseBindScopeComponent.Create inherits from System.Classes.TComponent.Create. All content below this line refers to System.Classes.TComponent.Create. Allocates memory and constructs a safely initialized instance of a component. All objects have a Create method that constructs the object. TComponent redefines Create so that, for components, Create also:

Establishes the relationship of a component and its Owner, as indicated by the AOwner parameter. Sets the ComponentStyle property to csInheritable, meaning that the component can be inherited by a descendent form type. It is not necessary to explicitly create components added in the Form Designer. These components are created automatically when the application is run, and they are destroyed when the application is closed. For components created programmatically, that is, not created in the Form Designer, call Create and pass in an owner component as the AOwner parameter. The owner disposes of the component when it is destroyed. If the component is not owned, then use Free when it needs to be destroyed.

Tip: When passing in Self as the Owner parameter, consider what Self references. If a component creates another component in one of its methods, then Self refers to the first component and not the component being created, which is then owned by the first component. Note: The TComponent constructor is virtual in part to allow polymorphic instantiation of class references. This is critical to the streaming system and to the Form Designer. Do not forget to use the override directive when declaring a new component’s Create constructor.


Disposes of the component and its owned components. Data.Bind.Components.TBaseBindScopeComponent.Destroy inherits from System.Classes.TComponent.Destroy. All content below this line refers to System.Classes.TComponent.Destroy. Disposes of the component and its owned components. Do not call Destroy directly. Call Free instead. Free verifies that the component is not nil, and only then calls Destroy. Never explicitly free a component in one of its own event handlers, nor free a component from the event handler of a component that it owns or contains. To destroy a form, call its Release method. Release waits for all the form’s event handlers and the event handlers of the form’s components to finish executing before destroying the form.

Note: A form owns all the controls and nonvisual components that are placed on it in design mode. When it is freed, all of these components are automatically freed as well. By default, all forms are owned by the global Application object. When an application terminates, it frees the global Application object, which frees all forms. For objects that are not components, and for components created with a nil owner, be sure to call Free after finishing with the object; otherwise the memory allocated for the object will be lost until the application terminates.


Returns the parent of a component.


Indicates whether the component has a parent to handle its filing.


Returns the Component Owner