
Qualified name: delphifmx.ContainedActionList

class ContainedActionList

Bases: Component



TComponent.BindMethodsToEvents(prefix) Connects methods to component events if they are named using the following pattern: Prefix_ComponentName_EventName.


TContainedActionList.EnumByCategory(Proc: Callable[[ContainedAction, bool], None], Category: str, IncludeSubCategory: bool) -> bool Calls the specified procedure (TEnumActionListEvent or TEnumActionListRef) once for every action of the list in the specified category.


TContainedActionList.ExecuteAction(Action: BasicAction) -> bool Generates an OnExecute event.


TContainedActionList.GetChildren(Proc: Callable[[Component], None], Root: Component) -> None Calls a specified method for each child action of the action list.


Returns a TContainedActionList enumerator, a TActionListEnumerator reference that enumerates the actions in the list.


TComponent.GetParentComponent() Returns the parent of a component.


TComponent.HasParent() Indicates whether the component has a parent to handle its filing.


TContainedActionList.UpdateAction(Action: BasicAction) -> bool Generates an OnUpdate event.



Indicates the number of actions in the action list.


Lists the actions maintained by the action list.


Returns the TObject.ClassName


Specifies the interface reference implemented by the component.


Returns the owned component count


Indicates the position of the component in its owner's Components property array.


Describes the current state of the component, indicating when a component needs to avoid certain actions.


Governs the behavior of the component.


Returns an iterator over the owned components


Contains information used by the Form designer.


Specifies the name of the component as referenced in code.


Indicates the TObservers object added to the TComponent.


Returns the Component Owner


Indicates whether the actions in the action list respond when the user triggers a client object.


Stores a NativeInt integral value as a part of a component.


Represents information used internally by components that support COM.


Indicates the number of actions in the action list.


Lists the actions maintained by the action list.


Connects methods to component events if they are named using the following pattern: Prefix_ComponentName_EventName. Example: def handle_button1_OnClick(Sender): pass The function returns a list of tuples. Each tuple contains the name of the component, the name of the event and the method object assigned to the event. Note that the prefix parameter is optional and will default to “handle_”.


Returns the owned component count


Returns an iterator over the owned components

EnumByCategory(Proc: Callable[[ContainedAction, bool], None], Category: str, IncludeSubCategory: bool) bool

Calls the specified procedure (TEnumActionListEvent or TEnumActionListRef) once for every action of the list in the specified category. IncludeSubCategory determines whether actions in subcategories are included (True) or not (False) in the loop of calls. Proc, an instance of either TEnumActionListEvent or TEnumActionListRef, can set its Done argument to True to stop the loop of calls prematurely. Calls the specified procedure (TEnumActionListEvent or TEnumActionListRef) once for every action of the list in the specified category. IncludeSubCategory determines whether actions in subcategories are included (True) or not (False) in the loop of calls. Proc, an instance of either TEnumActionListEvent or TEnumActionListRef, can set its Done argument to True to stop the loop of calls prematurely.

ExecuteAction(Action: BasicAction) bool

Generates an OnExecute event. Typically, applications do not call the ExecuteAction method. Instead, the action indicated by the Action parameter calls ExecuteAction in response to a user command. It is possible, however, to call ExecuteAction to generate an OnExecute event even though no client control has been triggered. ExecuteAction invokes the OnExecute event handler for the action list. It returns True if the event handler handles the action, False otherwise.

GetChildren(Proc: Callable[[Component], None], Root: Component) None

Calls a specified method for each child action of the action list. GetChildren is used by the component streaming system. For each action in the action list, GetChildren calls the method passed in Proc. The actions are passed to the callback in the order that they are loaded or saved by the component streaming system.


Returns a TContainedActionList enumerator, a TActionListEnumerator reference that enumerates the actions in the list. To process all actions, read Current from the enumerator within a while MoveNext do loop.


Returns the parent of a component.


Indicates whether the component has a parent to handle its filing.


Returns the Component Owner


Indicates whether the actions in the action list respond when the user triggers a client object. State can be one of the constants defined in the TActionListState type: asNormal, asSuspended, and asSuspendedEnabled.



UpdateAction(Action: BasicAction) bool

Generates an OnUpdate event. Typically, applications do not call the UpdateAction method. Instead, the action indicated by the Action parameter calls UpdateAction when informed by the application that it can update itself. It is possible, however, to call UpdateAction to generate an OnUpdate event even though this has not been initiated by the application. UpdateAction invokes the OnUpdate event handler for the action list. It returns True if the event handler updates the action, False otherwise.