Qualified name: delphifmx.CustomMediaCodec
- class CustomMediaCodec¶
Base class for media codecs. TCustomMediaCodec is an abstract class that defines a media codec. Use TMediaCodecManager to register custom media codecs to extend FireMonkey audio/video features.
TCustomMediaCodec.CreateFromFile(AFileName: str) -> Media Creates a TMedia from a specified file.
TObject.Free() Frees the Wrapped Delphi Object
TObject.InheritsFrom(ClassName) Returns True if Delphi Object is or inherits from ClassName
TObject.SetProps(prop1=val1, prop2=val2...) Sets several properties in one call
TStrings.ToList() If the object is a container (TStrings, TComponent...), it returns the content of the sequence as a Python list object.
TStrings.ToTuple() If the object is a container (TStrings, TComponent...), it returns the content of the sequence as a Python tuple object.
Returns the TObject.ClassName
- ClassName¶
Returns the TObject.ClassName
- CreateFromFile(AFileName: str) Media ¶
Creates a TMedia from a specified file. The AFileName parameter specifies the name of the file from which the TMedia is created. Do not use CreateFromFile explicitly in applications. Use TMediaCodecManager to access and manage media codecs.
- Free()¶
Frees the Wrapped Delphi Object
- InheritsFrom(ClassName)¶
Returns True if Delphi Object is or inherits from ClassName
- SetProps(prop1=val1, prop2=val2...)¶
Sets several properties in one call
- ToList()¶
If the object is a container (TStrings, TComponent…), it returns the content of the sequence as a Python list object.
- ToTuple()¶
If the object is a container (TStrings, TComponent…), it returns the content of the sequence as a Python tuple object.