Qualified name: delphifmx.CustomPresentedScrollBox
- class CustomPresentedScrollBox¶
TStyledControl.ApplyStyleLookup() Gets and applies the style of a TStyledControl.
TPresentedControl.ApplyTriggerEffect(AInstance: FmxObject, ATrigger: str) -> None Applies the specified mouse trigger effect to all the children of this FMX object that are of type TEffect.
Performs any necessary actions before the first destructor is called.
Removes all controls from the content.
TPresentedControl.FindStyleResource(AStyleLookup: str, AClone: bool) -> FmxObject Finds the linked resource object for the style specified by name.
Embarcadero Technologies does not currently have any additional information.
TPresentedControl.HasPresentationProxy() -> Boolean
TCustomPresentedScrollBox.InViewRect(ARect: RectF, AAnimated: bool) -> None Scrolls the content to the rectangle defined in ARect.
TStyledControl.Inflate() Call this procedure to get and apply its style lookup.
TStyledControl.NeedStyleLookup() Call this procedure to indicate that this control requires to get and apply its style lookup.
TPresentedControl.PointInObjectLocal(X: float, Y: float) -> bool Checks whether the point specified by local coordinates belongs to the control area.
Forces the update of the content size calculation.
Forces the current control to recalculate its enabled state.
Forces the current control to recalculate its Opacity property.
TCustomPresentedScrollBox.ScrollBy(ADX: float, ADY: float, AAnimated: bool) -> None Changes the scroll position by the offset defined in ADX and ADY.
TCustomPresentedScrollBox.ScrollTo(AX: float, AY: float, AAnimated: bool) -> None Changes the scroll position to the value defined by AX and AY.
TCustomPresentedScrollBox.ScrollToCenter(AAnimated: bool) -> None Changes the scroll position to the center of the content size.
TCustomPresentedScrollBox.ScrollToTop(AAnimated: bool) -> None Changes the scroll position to the top.
TCustomPresentedScrollBox.Sort(Compare: FmxObjectSortCompare) -> None Sorts the children in the children list using the specified sorting procedure.
TPresentedControl.StartTriggerAnimation(AInstance: FmxObject, ATrigger: str) -> None Embarcadero Technologies does not currently have any additional information.
TPresentedControl.StartTriggerAnimationWait(AInstance: FmxObject, ATrigger: str) -> None Embarcadero Technologies does not currently have any additional information.
Recalculates content bounds of a scroll box.
Specifies the absolute rectangle of the control after all its parent controls clip it.
Specifies whether the control is absolutely enabled.
Specifies the absolute height of the control.
Specifies the absolute transformation matrix of the control.
Specifies the absolute opacity of the control.
Specifies the absolute rectangle that bounds the control.
Specifies the absolute scale of the control.
Specifies the absolute width of the control.
Specifies whether the component object has an associated action.
Updates the width and height of this control according to its current style
Determines if and how the width and height of this control should be modified to take the fixed space dictated by the style of this control
Specifies the alignment options (top, left, client, and so on) of this control.
Specifies how the control is anchored to its parent.
A flag that signals when a control is in the process of applying an effect.
Indicates that the size of the scrolling content is calculated automatically according to the size of the components in content.
Specifies whether the control captures mouse events.
Defines that scrollbars hide automatically when you scroll.
Specifies whether the control's text should be translated
A TRectF defined by the width and height of the control.
Indicates if it is possible to scroll content abroad.
Specifies the bounding rectangle of the control.
Specifies whether the parent of this control should be evaluated to receive focus.
Provides the drawing surface of the control.
Stores an array of children attached to this parent component.
Read-only property that specifies the number of children in the children list.
Specifies the bigger rectangle area occupied by parent and children controls.
Returns the TObject.ClassName
Specifies if children of the control should be clipped to the control's on-screen region.
Specifies whether the current control has clipped its parent.
Specifies the bound rectangle to be clipped.
Specifies the interface reference implemented by the component.
Returns the owned component count
Indicates the position of the component in its owner's Components property array.
Describes the current state of the component, indicating when a component needs to avoid certain actions.
Governs the behavior of the component.
Returns an iterator over the owned components
Container that can hold scrollable content of the scroll box.
The content bounds.
Returns the control from style that will wrap its scrolling content.
Current content size.
Returns an iterator over contained controls
Returns the count of contained controls
Image to use to represent the mouse pointer when it passes into the region covered by the control.
Stores a Tvalue, which is a data structure that can store different kinds of data types.
Embarcadero Technologies does not currently have any additional information.
Returns a string with the name of the default style of this control
Contains information used by the Form designer.
Embarcadero Technologies does not currently have any additional information.
Specifies whether the control has the focus effect disabled.
Defines that the control does not have reaction to Mouse-Wheel event.
Specifies how the control initiates drag-and-drop operations.
Specifies whether the control is highlighted when the dragged object is over it.
Specifies whether the control responds to mouse, keyboard, and timer events.
Enables or disables scrolling.
Embarcadero Technologies does not currently have any additional information.
Returns the horizontal scrollbar component.
Specifies whether the control has an effect that is applied after the control is painted.
Control that is a direct child of this control and has clipped this control.
Specifies whether the control's effect is painted.
Specifies whether the control has an applied effect.
Height specifies the vertical size of the control (in dp).
Contains the numeric context ID that identifies the Help topic for the control.
Contains the keyword string that identifies the Help topic for the control.
Specifies whether the control's context-sensitive Help topic is identified by a context ID or by keyword.
Specifies the text string that appears when the user moves the mouse over a control.
Enables the control to capture mouse events.
Specifies whether the control is currently being painted.
Specifies the index of the child object in the children array attached to this object.
Image used to represent the mouse pointer when it passes into the region covered by the control.
Specifies the inverse matrix of AbsoluteMatrix.
Specifies whether a dragged object is over the area of the current control.
Determines whether the control has input focus.
Whether the current style of this control has been actually applied to the control.
Specifies whether the mouse cursor is over the control.
Specifies whether the control is visible.
Specifies the local rectangle for painting the control.
Specifies whether the control is locked at design time.
Aligns the component to the margins points of other components.
Data model that represents the data used by the presentation of the current control.
Specifies the name of the component as referenced in code.
Indicates the TObservers object added to the TComponent.
Callable[[Object, GestureEventInfo, bool], None]:
Specifies the control opacity.
Returns the Component Owner
Aligns the component to the padding points of other components.
Returns/Sets the Control Visibility
The name of the default style of the parent class of this control.
Specifies the parent control of this control.
Specifies the bounding rectangle of the control within its parent.
Specifies whether all the control's parents are visible.
Specifies the context (pop-up) menu object.
Returns an access to the position of the control inside its parent
Indicates whether the control is currently pressed.
A point that indicates where exactly on the control the click occured.
Specifies the root parent of this object.
Specifies the current scene in which the control is drawn.
Enables or disables scrolling animation.
Defines the available scroll directions.
Specifies whether the Hint can be shown.
Defines scrollbars visibility.
Shows a small control in the right-bottom corner that represents the size of the changing control.
Specifies the vertical and horizontal size (Size.Height and Size.Width) of the control (in pixels).
Specifies whether this object is stored in the .XFM file.
Specifies the name of the resource object to which the current TStyledControl is linked
Specifies the style name for this FMX component.
This property allows you to define the current state of style
Indicates the position of the control in its parent's tab order.
Embarcadero Technologies does not currently have any additional information.
Stores a NativeInt integral value as a part of a component.
Custom property that stores any floating-point value.
Custom property that stores any object value.
Custom property that stores any string value.
Specifies the touch manager component associated with the control.
Set of optional pixel values you can specify to expand the touch target of a FireMonkey styled control.
Defines if the control reacts to touch events.
Specifies the rectangle area of the control that needs to be updated.
Represents information used internally by components that support COM.
Returns the vertical scrollbar component.
Position of the view port of the ScrollBox content.
Size of the view port of the ScrollBox content.
Returns/Sets the Control Visibility
Specifies the horizontal size of the control (in pixels).
- AdjustSizeValue¶
Updates the width and height of this control according to its current style
- AdjustType¶
Determines if and how the width and height of this control should be modified to take the fixed space dictated by the style of this control
- AfterConstruction()¶
- ApplyStyleLookup()¶
Gets and applies the style of a TStyledControl.
- ApplyTriggerEffect(AInstance: FmxObject, ATrigger: str) None ¶
Applies the specified mouse trigger effect to all the children of this FMX object that are of type TEffect. ApplyTriggerEffect iterates through all the children of this FMX object and, if one of them is of type TEffect, applies the mouse trigger given through the ATrigger parameter (which can be ‘IsMouseOver’, ‘IsMouseOver’, ‘IsDragOver’, and so on). AInstance specifies the instance of the FMX object to which the trigger effect is applied.
- AutoCalculateContentSize¶
Indicates that the size of the scrolling content is calculated automatically according to the size of the components in content. Otherwise, the value of the ContentSize property defines the content size.
- Type:
- AutoHide¶
Defines that scrollbars hide automatically when you scroll. AutoHide can be used to force the scrollbars to display.
- Type:
- AutoTranslate¶
Specifies whether the control’s text should be translated
- BeforeDestruction()¶
Performs any necessary actions before the first destructor is called. FMX.Controls.TStyledControl.BeforeDestruction inherits from System.Classes.TComponent.BeforeDestruction. All content below this line refers to System.Classes.TComponent.BeforeDestruction. Performs any necessary actions before the first destructor is called. BeforeDestruction is called automatically immediately before the component’s first destructor executes. Do not call it explicitly in your applications. As implemented in TComponent, BeforeDestruction checks whether the Destroying method has been called, and if not, calls it. Descendants that override this method to perform other actions before a component is destroyed should call the inherited method first to ensure that this check takes place.
- Bounces¶
Indicates if it is possible to scroll content abroad.
- Type:
- ClearContent()¶
Removes all controls from the content.
- Content¶
Container that can hold scrollable content of the scroll box. Contains controls placed into the scroll box. Content does not contain a style object, any kind of Animation or effect objects.
- Type:
- ContentBounds¶
The content bounds. This property is read-only if AutoCalculateContentSize is True. To update the content bounds when AutoCalculateContentSize is True, call UpdateContentSize.
- Type:
- ContentLayout¶
Returns the control from style that will wrap its scrolling content. ContentLayout is used by internal methods to get the list of components in the scrollbox and represents the parent for all of them.
- Type:
- ContentSize¶
Current content size.
- Type:
- ControlType¶
- DefaultStyleLookupName¶
Returns a string with the name of the default style of this control
- DisableMouseWheel¶
Defines that the control does not have reaction to Mouse-Wheel event.
- Type:
- EnabledScroll¶
Enables or disables scrolling.
- Type:
- FindStyleResource(AStyleLookup: str, AClone: bool) FmxObject ¶
Finds the linked resource object for the style specified by name. The AStyleLookup parameter specifies the name of the style. If AStyleLookup is empty, FindStyleResource returns nil. If no resource object is linked directly to the control, FindStyleResource looks to the styles of the control’s children. If no resource object is found, it returns nil. Clone determines whether the returned style resource object should be the original style object (False) or a copy of the original (True). Finds the linked resource object for the style specified by name. The AStyleLookup parameter specifies the name of the style. If AStyleLookup is empty, FindStyleResource returns nil. If no resource object is linked directly to the control, FindStyleResource looks to the styles of the control’s children. If no resource object is found, it returns nil. Clone determines whether the returned style resource object should be the original style object (False) or a copy of the original (True).
- GetTabList()¶
Embarcadero Technologies does not currently have any additional information.
- HScrollBar¶
Returns the horizontal scrollbar component. HScrollBar is only available for style presentation. For native presentation, it returns null/nil.
- Type:
- HasPresentationProxy() Boolean ¶
- InViewRect(ARect: RectF, AAnimated: bool) None ¶
Scrolls the content to the rectangle defined in ARect.
- Inflate()¶
Call this procedure to get and apply its style lookup.
- LoadPresentation()¶
- Model¶
Data model that represents the data used by the presentation of the current control.
The constructor of your presented control creates a data model. The class of the data model is the class that DefineModelClass returns.
- Type:
- NeedStyleLookup()¶
Call this procedure to indicate that this control requires to get and apply its style lookup.
- PointInObjectLocal(X: float, Y: float) bool ¶
Checks whether the point specified by local coordinates belongs to the control area. PointInObjectLocal returns True if the specified point belongs to the control area, and False otherwise. The X and Y are the local coordinates of the point to be checked (compare with PointInObject):
X is the X coordinate. Y is the Y coordinate. The local coordinates of the upper-left corner of the control rectangle are (0,0), and the local coordinates of the lower-right corner are (Width, Height). The points of the control boundary specified by BoundsRect belong to the control and PointInObjectLocal returns True for them. If a control supports the Touch property, the control area can be optionally inflated on the values specified by the TouchTargetExpansion property. TouchTargetExpansion keeps four optional parameters representing the expansion for the four sides of the control in pixels (Bottom, Left, Right, and Top). The dclasses can change the ‘control area’ definition. For example:
The FMX.Objects.TSelection class extends the ‘control area’ definition relative to BoundsRect. FMX.Objects.TSelection.PointInObjectLocal also returns True if the point belongs to any of small rectangles of the four grip controls used to manage the selection shape. The rectangles of the grip controls are rectangles surrounding the four corners of the TSelection rectangle. The Width and Height of these rectangles are equal to 2 * GripSize. For example, the grip control’s rectangle of the upper-right corner UR_Corner of TSelection is defined by the following corners: (UR_Corner.Top - GripSize, UR_Corner.Right - GripSize)–upper-left corner of the grip. (UR_Corner.Top + GripSize, UR_Corner.Right + GripSize)–lower-right corner of the grip. FMX.Objects.TSelectionPoint.PointInObjectLocal returns True if the specified point belongs to the rectangle of the grip control corresponding to the TSelectionPoint object, and False otherwise.
- Presentation¶
- PresentationProxy¶
- PresentationState¶
- RealignContent()¶
Forces the update of the content size calculation.
- RecalcEnabled()¶
Forces the current control to recalculate its enabled state. RecalcEnabled also forces the control’s children to recalculate their enabled state.
- RecalcOpacity()¶
Forces the current control to recalculate its Opacity property. RecalcOpacity also forces the control’s children to recalculate their Opacity property.
- ReloadPresentation()¶
- ScrollAnimation¶
Enables or disables scrolling animation.
- Type:
- ScrollBy(ADX: float, ADY: float, AAnimated: bool) None ¶
Changes the scroll position by the offset defined in ADX and ADY.
- ScrollDirections¶
Defines the available scroll directions.
- Type:
- ScrollTo(AX: float, AY: float, AAnimated: bool) None ¶
Changes the scroll position to the value defined by AX and AY. ScrollTo uses the value of the ViewportPosition property to calculate the offset and then calls ScrollBy.
- ScrollToCenter(AAnimated: bool) None ¶
Changes the scroll position to the center of the content size.
- ScrollToTop(AAnimated: bool) None ¶
Changes the scroll position to the top.
- ShowScrollBars¶
Defines scrollbars visibility.
- Type:
- ShowSizeGrip¶
Shows a small control in the right-bottom corner that represents the size of the changing control.
- Type:
- Sort(Compare: FmxObjectSortCompare) None ¶
Sorts the children in the children list using the specified sorting procedure. FMX.ScrollBox.TCustomPresentedScrollBox.Sort inherits from FMX.Types.TFmxObject.Sort. All content below this line refers to FMX.Types.TFmxObject.Sort. Sorts the children in the children list using the specified sorting procedure.
- StartTriggerAnimation(AInstance: FmxObject, ATrigger: str) None ¶
Embarcadero Technologies does not currently have any additional information.
- StartTriggerAnimationWait(AInstance: FmxObject, ATrigger: str) None ¶
Embarcadero Technologies does not currently have any additional information.
- StyleLookup¶
Specifies the name of the resource object to which the current TStyledControl is linked
- StyleState¶
This property allows you to define the current state of style
- TouchTracking¶
Defines if the control reacts to touch events.
- Type:
- UnloadPresentation()¶
- UpdateContentSize()¶
Recalculates content bounds of a scroll box. This method does not calculate content bounds if AutoCalculateContentSize is False or if the state of the scroll box is csLoading or csDestroying. See also ContentBounds.
- VScrollBar¶
Returns the vertical scrollbar component. VScrollBar is only available for style presentation. For native presentation, it returns null/nil.
- Type:
- ViewportPosition¶
Position of the view port of the ScrollBox content. ViewportPosition is set in local coordinates of the Content.
- Type: