
Qualified name: delphifmx.Persistent

class Persistent

Bases: Object

TPersistent is the ancestor for all objects that have assignment and streaming capabilities. TPersistent encapsulates the behavior common to all objects that can be assigned to other objects, and that can read and write their properties to and from a form file (.xfm or .dfm file). For this purpose, TPersistent introduces methods that can be overridden to:

Define the procedure for loading and storing unpublished data to a stream. Provide the means to assign values to properties. Provide the means to assign the contents of one object to another. Do not create instances of TPersistent. Use TPersistent as a base class when declaring objects that are not components, but that need to be saved to a stream or have their properties assigned to other objects.



TPersistent.Assign(persistent) Assigns to this object the values of another TPersistent object


TPersistent.GetNamePath() Returns the name of the object as it appears in the Object Inspector.



Returns the TObject.ClassName


Assigns to this object the values of another TPersistent object


Returns the TObject.ClassName


Returns the name of the object as it appears in the Object Inspector.