Qualified name: delphifmx.Frame
- class Frame¶
TFrame is a container for components; it can be nested within forms or other frames. When you create frames, they are implemented as descendants of TFrame. A frame, like a form, is a container for other components. It uses the same ownership mechanism as forms for automatic instantiation and destruction of the components on it, and the same parent-child relationships for synchronization of component properties. But frames can be nested within forms or other frames, and they can be saved on the Component palette for easy reuse. After a frame is created and saved, it continues to function as a unit and to inherit changes from the components (including other frames) it contains. Moreover, an embedded frame continues to inherit changes made to the frame from which it is derived.
TControl.AbsoluteToLocal() Converts the screen coordinates of a specified point on the screen to client coordinates.
Responds after the last constructor has executed.
TControl.BringToFront() Puts the control in front of all other controls in its parent control.
TControl.CanFocus() Indicates whether a control can receive focus.
TFrame.GetChildren(Proc: Callable[[Component], None], Root: Component) -> None Enumerates all child components.
TControl.LocalToAbsolute() Translates a given point from client area coordinates to global screen coordinates.
TControl.PrepareForPaint() Prepares the current control for painting.
TControl.Repaint() Forces the control to repaint its image on the screen.
TControl.ResetFocus() Removes the focus from a control of from any children of the control.
TControl.SendToBack() Puts a windowed control behind all other windowed controls, or puts a non-windowed control behind all other non-windowed controls.
TControl.SetBounds(Left, Top, Width, Height) Sets the Left, Top, Width, and Height properties all at once.
TControl.SetFocus() Gives the input focus to the control.
Indicates whether a control should be ignored in ObjectAtPoint.
Specifies the absolute rectangle of the control after all its parent controls clip it.
Specifies whether the control is absolutely enabled.
Specifies the absolute height of the control.
Specifies the absolute transformation matrix of the control.
Specifies the absolute opacity of the control.
Specifies the absolute rectangle that bounds the control.
Specifies the absolute scale of the control.
Specifies the absolute width of the control.
Specifies the action associated with the control.
Specifies whether the component object has an associated action.
Specifies the alignment options (top, left, client, and so on) of this control.
Specifies how the control is anchored to its parent.
A flag that signals when a control is in the process of applying an effect.
Specifies whether the control captures mouse events.
A TRectF defined by the width and height of the control.
Specifies the bounding rectangle of the control.
Specifies whether the parent of this control should be evaluated to receive focus.
Provides the drawing surface of the control.
Stores an array of children attached to this parent component.
Read-only property that specifies the number of children in the children list.
Specifies the bigger rectangle area occupied by parent and children controls.
Returns the TObject.ClassName
Specifies if children of the control should be clipped to the control's on-screen region.
Specifies whether the current control has clipped its parent.
Specifies the bound rectangle to be clipped.
Specifies the interface reference implemented by the component.
Returns the owned component count
Indicates the position of the component in its owner's Components property array.
Describes the current state of the component, indicating when a component needs to avoid certain actions.
Governs the behavior of the component.
Returns an iterator over the owned components
Returns an iterator over contained controls
Returns the count of contained controls
Image to use to represent the mouse pointer when it passes into the region covered by the control.
Stores a Tvalue, which is a data structure that can store different kinds of data types.
Embarcadero Technologies does not currently have any additional information.
Contains information used by the Form designer.
Embarcadero Technologies does not currently have any additional information.
Specifies whether the control has the focus effect disabled.
Specifies how the control initiates drag-and-drop operations.
Specifies whether the control is highlighted when the dragged object is over it.
Specifies whether the control responds to mouse, keyboard, and timer events.
Embarcadero Technologies does not currently have any additional information.
Specifies whether the control has an effect that is applied after the control is painted.
Control that is a direct child of this control and has clipped this control.
Specifies whether the control's effect is painted.
Specifies whether the control has an applied effect.
Height specifies the vertical size of the control (in dp).
Specifies the text string that appears when the user moves the mouse over a control.
Enables the control to capture mouse events.
Specifies whether the control is currently being painted.
Specifies the index of the child object in the children array attached to this object.
Image used to represent the mouse pointer when it passes into the region covered by the control.
Specifies the inverse matrix of AbsoluteMatrix.
Specifies whether a dragged object is over the area of the current control.
Determines whether the control has input focus.
Whether the current style of this control has been actually applied to the control.
Specifies whether the mouse cursor is over the control.
Specifies whether the control is visible.
Specifies the local rectangle for painting the control.
Specifies whether the control is locked at design time.
Aligns the component to the margins points of other components.
Specifies the name of the component as referenced in code.
Indicates the TObservers object added to the TComponent.
Callable[[Object, bool], None]:
Callable[[Object, DragObject, PointF], None]:
Callable[[Object, DragObject, PointF], None]:
Callable[[Object, DragObject, PointF, DragOperation], None]:
Callable[[Object, GestureEventInfo, bool], None]:
Callable[[Object, Canvas, RectF], None]:
Callable[[Object, Canvas, RectF], None]:
Specifies the control opacity.
Returns the Component Owner
Aligns the component to the padding points of other components.
Returns/Sets the Control Visibility
Specifies the parent control of this control.
If True, the value of the ShowHint property of this control inherits the value of the ShowHint property of the parent control.
Specifies the bounding rectangle of the control within its parent.
Specifies whether all the control's parents are visible.
Specifies the context (pop-up) menu object.
Returns an access to the position of the control inside its parent
Indicates whether the control is currently pressed.
A point that indicates where exactly on the control the click occured.
Specifies the root parent of this object.
Specifies the amount (in degrees) by which the control is rotated from the x-axis.
Specifies the position of the pivot point of the control.
Specifies the scale of the control.
Specifies the current scene in which the control is drawn.
Specifies whether the Hint can be shown.
Specifies the vertical and horizontal size (Size.Height and Size.Width) of the control (in pixels).
Specifies whether this object is stored in the .XFM file.
Specifies the style name for this FMX component.
Indicates the position of the control in its parent's tab order.
Embarcadero Technologies does not currently have any additional information.
Stores a NativeInt integral value as a part of a component.
Custom property that stores any floating-point value.
Custom property that stores any object value.
Custom property that stores any string value.
Specifies the touch manager component associated with the control.
Set of optional pixel values you can specify to expand the touch target of a FireMonkey styled control.
Specifies the rectangle area of the control that needs to be updated.
Represents information used internally by components that support COM.
Returns/Sets the Control Visibility
Specifies the horizontal size of the control (in pixels).
- AbsoluteToLocal()¶
Converts the screen coordinates of a specified point on the screen to client coordinates.
- Action¶
Specifies the action associated with the control. Action allows an application to centralize the response to user commands. When a control is associated with an action, the action determines the appropriate properties and events of the control (such as whether the control is enabled or how it responds to an OnClick event). If an object of the descendant from the TFmxObject class does not support actions, and when this object tries to assign a value to the Action property, the setter method for Action calls GetActionLinkClass that should return nil. In this case, attempting to set a value to the Action property raises the following exception:
StrEActionNoSuported = ‘Class %s does not support the action’
- Type:
- AfterConstruction()¶
Responds after the last constructor has executed. FMX.Forms.TFrame.AfterConstruction inherits from System.TObject.AfterConstruction. All content below this line refers to System.TObject.AfterConstruction. Responds after the last constructor has executed. AfterConstruction is called automatically after the object’s last constructor has executed. Do not call it explicitly in your applications. The AfterConstruction method implemented in TObject does nothing. Override this method when creating a class that performs an action after the object is created. For example, TCustomForm overrides AfterConstruction to generate an OnCreate event.
- Align¶
Specifies the alignment options (top, left, client, and so on) of this control. Use Align to automatically set the alignment of the current control. Setting Align to a value different than None can affect the position, size (height and width), and anchors of the control. By default, Align is set to None. Descendants of TControl typically set the visibility and value for the Align property. For example, for TToolBar, Align defaults to TAlignLayout.Top. To see the possible values for Align and their visible effects over the control, see FMX.Types.TAlignLayout. Controls that have the Align or Anchors properties set can use a Scale that is different from the default (1,1), so that controls align together even when they have a custom scale.
- Type:
- BringToFront()¶
Puts the control in front of all other controls in its parent control.
- CanFocus()¶
Indicates whether a control can receive focus.
- ClipChildren¶
Specifies if children of the control should be clipped to the control’s on-screen region. Set ClipChildren to
True if you want child controls to be clipped to the control’s on-screen region. False if you want child controls to be able to extend beyond the region of the parent control.
- Type:
- ClipParent¶
Specifies whether the current control has clipped its parent. When ClipParent is True, TControl cuts off the portion of the parent that lies under the control when the control is painted by the Paint and Painting methods. Parts of the control that do not contain visible objects cut off holes in the parent’s image. ClipParent is ignored in PaintChildren and other painting methods. If one parent has more that one child control having ClipParent equals True, then only one of these child controls is painted with ClipParent equals True. Others child controls are painted as if ClipParent equals False.
- Type:
- Controls¶
Returns an iterator over contained controls
- ControlsCount¶
Returns the count of contained controls
- Cursor¶
Image to use to represent the mouse pointer when it passes into the region covered by the control. Change the value of Cursor to provide feedback to the user when the mouse pointer enters the control. For a list of cursor constants, see System.UITypes Constants. The image representations of the cursor depend on the theme active on the current platform. If Cursor is set to the default cursor, this control might display a different cursor when the mouse pointer is over it. The actual cursor that this control displays is the cursor defined in InheritedCursor, a read-only property that is calculated based not only in the value of Cursor in this control, but also the value of Cursor in any ancestor of this control (parent, grand-parent, and so on until the parent form).
- Type:
- DragMode¶
Specifies how the control initiates drag-and-drop operations. Use DragMode to control when the user can drag the control. Disable the drag-and-drop capability at run time by setting the DragMode property value to dmManual. Enable automatic dragging by setting DragMode to dmAutomatic.
- Type:
- EnableDragHighlight¶
Specifies whether the control is highlighted when the dragged object is over it.
- Type:
- Enabled¶
Specifies whether the control responds to mouse, keyboard, and timer events. Use Enabled to change the availability of the control to the user. To disable a control, set Enabled to False. Some disabled controls appear dimmed (for example: buttons, check boxes, labels), while others (container controls) simply lose their functionality without changing their appearance. If Enabled is set to False, the control ignores mouse, keyboard, and timer events. To re-enable a control, set Enabled to True. This property applies to all TControl descendants.
- Type:
- GetChildren(Proc: Callable[[Component], None], Root: Component) None ¶
Enumerates all child components. FMX.Forms.TFrame.GetChildren inherits from System.Classes.TComponent.GetChildren. All content below this line refers to System.Classes.TComponent.GetChildren. Enumerates all child components. GetChildren is used internally in the component streaming system. It is not necessary to call it directly. GetChildren expects a TGetChildProc routine that receives all enumerated components. Root represents the owner of the components that will be enumerated. This method does nothing in TComponent and is expected to be overridden in descendants.
- Height¶
Height specifies the vertical size of the control (in dp). Use the Height property to read or change the height of the control.
- Type:
- Hint¶
Specifies the text string that appears when the user moves the mouse over a control. See Using Hints to Show Contextual Help in a FireMonkey Application for more information about hints.
- Type:
- HitTest¶
Enables the control to capture mouse events.
If you set HitTest to True, this control captures all mouse events. The example below shows the use of HitTest for an OnClick event. If you set HitTest to False, the mouse events will pass through this control, so that a control laid out behind this one receives the mouse events instead of this control. Note: The HitTest enables all mouse-related events, which also include the display of Hints and Hint-related events. For most controls, HitTest is True by default. However, this is not true for all the controls. For example, for TLabel and TPathLabel, HitTest is False by default; these two controls do not capture the mouse-related events unless you set HitTest to True.
Example of HitTest 1. On a form, place a TPanel component. 2. Inside the panel, place a TPathLabel component. 3. Implement the OnClick event for both the TPanel and the TPathLabel:
procedure TForm1.Panel1Click(Sender: TObject); begin
ShowMessage(‘OnClick event fired for TPanel’);
procedure TForm1.PathLabel1Click(Sender: TObject); begin
ShowMessage(‘OnClick event fired for TPathLabel’);
Set the TPathLabel HitTest property to False (this is the default setting). Run the application and click the label. The OnClick event is fired for the panel (not the label).
Set the TPathLabel HitTest property to True. Run the application and click the label. The OnClick event is fired for the TPathLabel.
- Type:
- IsFocused¶
Determines whether the control has input focus.
- LocalToAbsolute()¶
Translates a given point from client area coordinates to global screen coordinates.
- Locked¶
Specifies whether the control is locked at design time. A locked control prohibits to move the control at design time, all the other properties can be modified at design time. To lock the control, set Locked to True. By default, Locked is False, and the control can be modified at design time.
- Type:
- Margins¶
Aligns the component to the margins points of other components. The Margins of a control are the distances (in pixels) from each edge (top, left, bottom, right) to another control within the same Parent or to the edge of its Parent. The Margins add space to the outer side of the control. It only applies for controls that do not use TAlignLayout None and the components are located to each other. If a margin is not 0, no other control will come closer to the control than the specified distance. If the distance from a Parent edge to the corresponding control edge is smaller than the specified Margins for that edge, the control is repositioned and resized, if necessary, to maintain the specified distance. If the Margins control has zero values, RAD Studio uses the default values (Left=4, Top=4, Right=4, Bottom=4). You can also set your own Margins values. It only applies to the IDE control’s guidelines, when you are dragging control. But if you use Align=Client (for example), it will use the specified values in Margins. The following image shows how Padding and Margins properties affect alignment, position, and size of controls.
- Type:
- OnCanFocus¶
Callable[[Object, bool], None]:
- OnDragDrop¶
Callable[[Object, DragObject, PointF], None]:
- OnDragEnter¶
Callable[[Object, DragObject, PointF], None]:
- OnDragOver¶
Callable[[Object, DragObject, PointF, DragOperation], None]:
- OnPaint¶
Callable[[Object, Canvas, RectF], None]:
- OnPainting¶
Callable[[Object, Canvas, RectF], None]:
- Opacity¶
Specifies the control opacity. Set Opacity to customize the transparency of the current control. Opacity takes values between 0 and 1. If Opacity is 1, the control is completely opaque; if it is 0, the control is completely transparent. The values over 1 are treated as 1, and the ones under 0 are treated as 0. Opacity applies to the control’s children.
- Type:
- Padding¶
Aligns the component to the padding points of other components. The Padding of a control specifies how close, in pixels, the control’s children can come to each of its edges (top, left, bottom, right). Padding adds space to the inner side of the control. The control’s children are repositioned and resized, if necessary, to maintain the Padding. If the Padding control has zero values, RAD Studio uses the default values (Left=4, Top=4, Right=4, Bottom=4). You can also set your own Padding values. The following image shows how Padding and Margins properties affect alignment, position, and size of controls.
Note: Padding constraints do not work for TScrollBox, TListBox, TTreeView, and TGrid based controls.
- Type:
- ParentShowHint¶
If True, the value of the ShowHint property of this control inherits the value of the ShowHint property of the parent control. See Using Hints to Show Contextual Help in a FireMonkey Application - Enabling Hints for a Control for more information.
- Type:
- PopupMenu¶
Specifies the context (pop-up) menu object. Use PopupMenu to set the context menu of the current control. The pop-up window is displayed when ShowContextMenu is called.
- Type:
- Position¶
Returns an access to the position of the control inside its parent
- PrepareForPaint()¶
Prepares the current control for painting.
- Repaint()¶
Forces the control to repaint its image on the screen.
- ResetFocus()¶
Removes the focus from a control of from any children of the control.
- RotationAngle¶
Specifies the amount (in degrees) by which the control is rotated from the x-axis. Positive angles correspond to clockwise rotation. For counterclockwise rotation, use negative values. To set the rotation center, use RotationCenter.
- Type:
- RotationCenter¶
Specifies the position of the pivot point of the control. The coordinates of the rotation center take values in the range from 0 through 1. The point with the coordinates (0,0) corresponds to the upper-left corner of the control, the point with the coordinates (1,1) corresponds to the lower-right corner of the control. The default center of rotation is (0.5, 0.5). Values outside of [0,0] and [1,1] can be clipped in some descendant classes. To set the rotation angle, use RotationAngle.
- Type:
- Scale¶
Specifies the scale of the control. Set the Scale coordinates to specify the scale on each axis. The initial scale rate is 1 on each axis.
Note: Controls that have the Align or Anchors properties set can use a scale that is different from the default (1,1), so that controls align together even when they have a custom scale.
- Type:
- SendToBack()¶
Puts a windowed control behind all other windowed controls, or puts a non-windowed control behind all other non-windowed controls.
- SetBounds(Left, Top, Width, Height)¶
Sets the Left, Top, Width, and Height properties all at once.
- SetFocus()¶
Gives the input focus to the control.
- ShouldTestMouseHits()¶
Indicates whether a control should be ignored in ObjectAtPoint. FMX.Forms.TFrame.ShouldTestMouseHits inherits from FMX.Controls.TControl.ShouldTestMouseHits. All content below this line refers to FMX.Controls.TControl.ShouldTestMouseHits. Indicates whether a control should be ignored in ObjectAtPoint. False if the control should be ignored in ObjectAtPoint. ShouldTestMouseHits normally returns the same value as the value of Visible property of the control. TFrame overrides this method to allow itself to be painted in design time regardless of the value of its Visible property.
See Also
FMX.Forms.TFrame FMX.Controls.TControl.ObjectAtPoint FMX.Controls.TControl.Visible
- ShowHint¶
Specifies whether the Hint can be shown. If ShowHint is set to True, a Hint string is displayed when the user moves the mouse over the control.
- Type:
- Size¶
Specifies the vertical and horizontal size (Size.Height and Size.Width) of the control (in pixels). Use the Size property to read or change the size of the control.
- Type:
- TabOrder¶
Indicates the position of the control in its parent’s tab order. TabOrder is the order in which child controls are visited when the user presses the TAB key. The control with the TabOrder value of 0 is the control that has the focus when the form first appears. Initially, the tab order is always the order in which the controls were added to the form. The first control added to the form has a TabOrder value of 0, the second is 1, the third is 2, and so on. Change this by changing the TabOrder property. Each control has a unique tab-order value within its parent. Assigning TabOrder a value greater than the number of controls contained in the parent control moves the control to the end of the tab order. The control does not take on the assigned value of TabOrder, but instead is given the number that ensures that the control is the last in the tab order.
- Type:
- TabStop¶
Embarcadero Technologies does not currently have any additional information.
- Type:
- Visible¶
Returns/Sets the Control Visibility
- Width¶
Specifies the horizontal size of the control (in pixels). Use the Width property to read or change the width of the control.
- Type: