Qualified name: delphifmx.CommonCustomForm
- class CommonCustomForm¶
TCommonCustomForm represents the base class for all forms, whether they are 2D or 3D. TCommonCustomForm is the base class for all TCustomForm and TCustomForm3D, and all their derived objects such as TForm and TForm3D.
Activation event dispatcher.
TCommonCustomForm.AddRecognizer(Recognizer: InteractiveGesture) -> None Embarcadero Technologies does not currently have any additional information.
Responds after the last constructor has executed.
Performs any necessary actions before the first destructor is called.
Starts updating all the child controls in this form.
Brings this FMX visual object on top of other overlapping visual controls that are on the same form.
Retrieves whether the form is not visible.
Returns a TRectF with the coordinates of the client area.
TCommonCustomForm.ClientToScreen(AFormPoint: PointF) -> PointF Converts the given mouse coordinates to screen coordinates.
Closes the form and returns the close action that the form uses.
Prepares a modal form for closing and returns the close action that the form uses.
Close-attempt event dispatcher.
TCommonCustomForm.CreateChildFormList(Parent: FmxObject, List: List<FMX.Forms.TCommonCustomForm>) -> None Embarcadero Technologies does not currently have any additional information.
Deactivation event dispatcher.
TCommonCustomForm.DispatchAcceleratorKey(AKey: int, AKeyChar: unicodechr(str), AShift: ShiftState) -> bool
TCommonCustomForm.DispatchDialogKey(AKey: int, AKeyChar: unicodechr(str), AShift: ShiftState) -> bool
TCommonCustomForm.DragDrop(Data: DragObject, Point: PointF) -> None Executes when you drop an object over the surface of this form.
TCommonCustomForm.DragEnter(Data: DragObject, Point: PointF) -> None Executes when you drag an object while entering the surface of this form.
Executes when you drag an object while leaving the surface of this form.
TCommonCustomForm.DragOver(Data: DragObject, Point: PointF, Operation: DragOperation) -> None Executes when you drag an object over the surface of this form.
Ends updating all the child controls in this form.
Starts the menu loop for the main menu bars that this form might contain.
TCommonCustomForm.FlipChildren(AAllLevels: bool) -> None
Bounds of form - position and size.
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Embarcadero Technologies does not currently have any additional information.
Embarcadero Technologies does not currently have any additional information.
The HandleNeeded method requests the form to create its handle at this moment and all the resources associated to it.
Hides the form.
Performs several initializations required by this form.
Schedules a repaint of this form.
Returns true only if the handle is allocated.
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TCommonCustomForm.KeyDown(Key: int, KeyChar: unicodechr(str), Shift: ShiftState) -> None Executed when a key is pressed while this form has the input focus.
TCommonCustomForm.KeyUp(Key: int, KeyChar: unicodechr(str), Shift: ShiftState) -> None Is executed each time when a key is released while this form has the input focus.
TCommonCustomForm.LoadProps() Load properties from a .pydfm file
Sets the mouse capture to this window, which belongs to the current thread.
TCommonCustomForm.MouseDown(Button: MouseButton, Shift: ShiftState, AFormX: float, AFormY: float) -> None Executes each time you press a mouse button.
Executes each time the mouse leaves the surface of this form.
TCommonCustomForm.MouseMove(Shift: ShiftState, AFormX: float, AFormY: float) -> None Executes each time you move the mouse over the surface of this form.
TCommonCustomForm.MouseUp(Button: MouseButton, Shift: ShiftState, AFormX: float, AFormY: float, DoClick: bool) -> None Executes each time you release a mouse button.
TCommonCustomForm.MouseWheel(Shift: ShiftState, WheelDelta: int, Handled: bool) -> None Executes each time you roll the mouse wheel.
TCommonCustomForm.ObjectAtPoint(AScreenPoint: PointF) -> IControl Returns the object located at the given coordinates.
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Recreates the context where the form renders itself.
Warning: Release is deprecated.
Releases the mouse capture from this window that belongs to the current thread and restores normal mouse input processing.
TCommonCustomForm.RemoveRecognizer(Recognizer: InteractiveGesture) -> None Embarcadero Technologies does not currently have any additional information.
TCommonCustomForm.ScreenToClient(AScreenPoint: PointF) -> PointF Transforms the global screen coordinates to local client area coordinates.
Sends this FMX visual object to the background letting other overlapping visual controls that are on the same form to be on top of it.
TCommonCustomForm.SetBounds(ALeft: int, ATop: int, AWidth: int, AHeight: int) -> None Sets the boundaries for this form.
TCommonCustomForm.SetBoundsF(ALeft: float, ATop: float, AWidth: float, AHeight: float) -> None Embarcadero Technologies does not currently have any additional information.
Displays the form onscreen.
Shows the form as a modal dialog box.
Signals that this form's window is about to be dragged.
Signals that this form's window is about to be resized.
Specifies whether the component object has an associated action.
Specifies whether the form has focus.
Indicates the layout of this form when running under Middle Eastern versions of the operating system.
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Specifies which icons appear on the title bar of the form.
Specifies the appearance and behavior of the form border.
Bounds of form - position and size.
Embarcadero Technologies does not currently have any additional information.
Specifies a text string that identifies the form to the user.
Specifies the control that has captured the mouse.
Stores an array of children attached to this parent component.
Read-only property that specifies the number of children in the children list.
Returns the TObject.ClassName
Specifies the height (in pixels) of the form's client area.
Specifies the width (in pixels) of the form's client area.
Specifies the interface reference implemented by the component.
Returns the owned component count
Indicates the position of the component in its owner's Components property array.
Describes the current state of the component, indicating when a component needs to avoid certain actions.
Governs the behavior of the component.
Returns an iterator over the owned components
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Specifies the mouse cursor that will be used on this form.
Stores a Tvalue, which is a data structure that can store different kinds of data types.
Contains information used by the Form designer.
Specifies the designer interface for the form.
Specifies the control that has the focus set on it.
width, height, orientations, and devices.
Is a string property that specifies the form family this form is part of.
Indicates transitional state information about the form.
Determines the form style.
Indicates whether the form is in fullscreen mode.
Specifies the handle of this form.
Specifies the vertical size of the form (in pixels).
Identifies the control over which the mouse pointer is hovering.
Specifies the index of the child object in the children array attached to this object.
Specifies the X coordinate of the upper-left corner of the form, relative to the screen.
Represents the return value of a form that is used as a modal dialog box.
Specifies the name of the component as referenced in code.
Indicates the TObservers object added to the TComponent.
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Returns the Component Owner
Specifies the padding of the form.
Returns/Sets the Control Visibility
Specifies the parent form of this form.
Represents the size and placement of the form.
Specifies the root parent of this object.
Specifies the save state of the FireMonkey form.
Indicates whether the Mac fullscreen icon is visible.
Determines whether help hints are enabled or disabled for first level child controls in the form. For more information about the rules for enabling hints for a control, see Using Hints to Show Contextual Help in a FireMonkey Application. TCommonCustomForm.ShowHint is a Boolean property set as True by default. When you place a child control in the form, and set the TControl.Hint property, the hint is displayed because the TControl.ParentShowHint is True by default. If the TCommonCustomForm.ShowHint property of the form is set to False, the hint is not displayed in the child control. To show the hint for a control, even when the TCommonCustomForm.ShowHint property of the form is set to False, set TControl.ShowHint for the control to True.
Specifies whether this object is stored in the .XFM file.
Specifies the style book for this form.
Specifies the style name for this FMX component.
System status bar settings on mobile platforms.
Stores a NativeInt integral value as a part of a component.
Custom property that stores any floating-point value.
Custom property that stores any object value.
Custom property that stores any string value.
Specifies the Y coordinate of the upper-left corner of the form, relative to the screen.
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Indicates whether the form is transparent or not.
Represents information used internally by components that support COM.
Indicates whether the form is visible.
Specifies the horizontal size of the form (in pixels).
Represents how the form appears on the screen.
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- Activate()¶
Activation event dispatcher. The form component calls Activate when it gets the focus either because of a change in the active windows within an application or because of the application becoming active. Activate fires an OnActivate event.
- Active¶
Specifies whether the form has focus. Use Active to determine whether the form has focus. The Active form receives all keyboard input. If it has a title bar, it is drawn using the active colors specified by the operating system. If Active is True, the form has focus; if Active is False, the form does not have focus.
- Type:
- AddRecognizer(Recognizer: InteractiveGesture) None ¶
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- AfterConstruction()¶
Responds after the last constructor has executed. FMX.Forms.TCommonCustomForm.AfterConstruction inherits from System.TObject.AfterConstruction. All content below this line refers to System.TObject.AfterConstruction. Responds after the last constructor has executed. AfterConstruction is called automatically after the object’s last constructor has executed. Do not call it explicitly in your applications. The AfterConstruction method implemented in TObject does nothing. Override this method when creating a class that performs an action after the object is created. For example, TCustomForm overrides AfterConstruction to generate an OnCreate event.
- BeforeDestruction()¶
Performs any necessary actions before the first destructor is called. FMX.Forms.TCommonCustomForm.BeforeDestruction inherits from System.Classes.TComponent.BeforeDestruction. All content below this line refers to System.Classes.TComponent.BeforeDestruction. Performs any necessary actions before the first destructor is called. BeforeDestruction is called automatically immediately before the component’s first destructor executes. Do not call it explicitly in your applications. As implemented in TComponent, BeforeDestruction checks whether the Destroying method has been called, and if not, calls it. Descendants that override this method to perform other actions before a component is destroyed should call the inherited method first to ensure that this check takes place.
- BeginUpdate()¶
Starts updating all the child controls in this form. BeginUpdate starts updating all the child controls placed on this form, thus speeding any operations you might perform on the form or on multiple children. BeginUpdate signals the beginning of an update operation and must be followed by EndUpdate when all the updates have been completed.
- BiDiMode¶
Indicates the layout of this form when running under Middle Eastern versions of the operating system. Use BiDiMode to specify the bi-directional mode for the application. The bi-directional mode controls the direction in which text appears (left-to-right or right-to-left), the placement of vertical scroll bars, and the default alignment of text when the application runs in Middle Eastern locales.
- Type:
- Border¶
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- Type:
- BorderIcons¶
Specifies which icons appear on the title bar of the form. Use BorderIcons to get or set the icons that appear on the title bar of the form. BorderIcons can include any of the following TBorderIcons values:
The form has a Control menu (also known as a System menu).
The form has a Minimize button.
The form has a Maximize button.
Has no effect in FireMonkey.
- Type:
- BorderStyle¶
Specifies the appearance and behavior of the form border. Use BorderStyle to get or set the appearance and behavior of the form border. BorderStyle can be any of the following TFmxFormBorderStyle values:
Not resizable; minimize/maximize menu
Not resizable; no visible border line
Standard resizable border
Similar to Single, but with a smaller caption
Similar to Sizeable, but with a smaller caption
In iOS applications, None makes your form run in fullscreen mode. With any other value, your iOS app shows the iOS status bar. In Android applications, the BorderStyle property does not control fullscreen display. Instead, you should set the theme property on the Project > Options > Version Info page of your Android project: Setting the theme = TitleBar means that your Android app includes a title or status bar. Setting the theme = NoTitleBar means that your Android app runs in fullscreen mode, without a title or status bar.
- Type:
- BringToFront()¶
Brings this FMX visual object on top of other overlapping visual controls that are on the same form. FMX.Forms.TCommonCustomForm.BringToFront inherits from FMX.Types.TFmxObject.BringToFront. All content below this line refers to FMX.Types.TFmxObject.BringToFront. Brings this FMX visual object on top of other overlapping visual controls that are on the same form. You can call BringToFront at run time as in the following code snippet:
or, at design time, by right-clicking the FMX visual control and selecting Control > Bring to Front from the pop-up menu.
- CanShow()¶
Retrieves whether the form is not visible. CanShow returns True if Visible is False (when the form is not visible).
- Caption¶
Specifies a text string that identifies the form to the user. Use Caption to specify the text string that labels the form, identifying it to the user.
- Type:
- Captured¶
Specifies the control that has captured the mouse. Captured is read-only.
- Type:
- ClientHeight¶
Specifies the height (in pixels) of the form’s client area. Use ClientHeight to determine the height (in pixels) of the form’s client area. The client area is the usable area inside the form’s border, excluding the title bar, scroll bars, and so on. Set ClientHeight to change the height of the form’s window based on the desired client area. To change the height of the form’s window based on the total size of the window (including the border, menu, status bar and so on), use the Height property instead.
- Type:
- ClientRect()¶
Returns a TRectF with the coordinates of the client area. The width of the rectangle is the same as ClientWidth and the height of the rectangle is ClientHeight.
- ClientToScreen(AFormPoint: PointF) PointF ¶
Converts the given mouse coordinates to screen coordinates. The local coordinates on the surface of this form are given through the Point parameter.
- ClientWidth¶
Specifies the width (in pixels) of the form’s client area. Use ClientWidth to determine the width (in pixels) of the form’s client area. The client area is the usable area inside the form’s border. Set ClientWidth to change the width of the form’s window based on the desired client area. To change the width of the form’s window based on the total size of the window (including the border, status bar, and so on), use the Width property instead.
- Type:
- Close()¶
Closes the form and returns the close action that the form uses. Call Close to close a form. Attempts to close a form can be aborted by the CloseQuery event dispatcher or the OnCloseQuery event handler.
Note: When the main form of the application closes, the application terminates.
- CloseModal()¶
Prepares a modal form for closing and returns the close action that the form uses. Do not call CloseModal in your application. CloseModal is used by the the FireMonkey framework when a modal form needs to be closed. CloseModal does not close the form by itself; it simply calls the registered close events and updates the ModalResult property.
- CloseQuery()¶
Close-attempt event dispatcher. CloseQuery is called automatically when an attempt is made to close the form. CloseQuery can allow the form to close by returning True, or prevent the form from closing by returning False. As implemented in TCommonCustomForm, CloseQuery calls the OnCloseQuery event handler, if it exists. If no such event handler exists, CloseQuery returns True.
- Constraints¶
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- Type:
- CreateChildFormList(Parent: FmxObject, List: List<FMX.Forms.TCommonCustomForm>) None ¶
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- Cursor¶
Specifies the mouse cursor that will be used on this form.
- Type:
- Deactivate()¶
Deactivation event dispatcher. The form component calls Deactivate when it loses the focus either because of a change in the active windows within an application or because of the application becoming inactive. Deactivate fires an OnDeactivate event.
- Designer¶
Specifies the designer interface for the form. The Designer property is used internally at design time. Never assign a value to this property. This is done automatically by the form designer. Only use this property when designing classes for use in the form designer, such as property editors and component editors.
- Type:
- DispatchAcceleratorKey(AKey: int, AKeyChar: unicodechr(str), AShift: ShiftState) bool ¶
- DispatchDialogKey(AKey: int, AKeyChar: unicodechr(str), AShift: ShiftState) bool ¶
- DragDrop(Data: DragObject, Point: PointF) None ¶
Executes when you drop an object over the surface of this form. Override DragDrop to add additional code that executes when you drop an object over the surface of this form. The Data parameter is the object that was dropped onto this form. The Point parameter has the mouse coordinates where the object was dropped.
- DragEnter(Data: DragObject, Point: PointF) None ¶
Executes when you drag an object while entering the surface of this form. Override DragEnter to add additional code that executes when you enter the surface of this form while dragging an object. Data is the object being dragged. Point is the position of the mouse.
- DragLeave()¶
Executes when you drag an object while leaving the surface of this form. Override DragLeave to add additional code that executes when you leave the surface of this form while dragging an object.
- DragOver(Data: DragObject, Point: PointF, Operation: DragOperation) None ¶
Executes when you drag an object over the surface of this form. Override DragOver to add additional code that executes when you drag an object over the surface of this form. DragOver sets the Accept parameter to True to indicate that you can drop the dragged object on this form. It sets Accept to False to indicate that you cannot drop the dragged object on this form. The Data parameter is the object being dragged. Point indicates the current position of the mouse.
- EndUpdate()¶
Ends updating all the child controls in this form. EndUpdate ends updating all the child controls placed on this form, finalizing any updates you might have performed on the form or on multiple children. EndUpdate signals the end of an update operation and must be preceded by BeginUpdate and by the updates themselves.
- EnterMenuLoop()¶
Starts the menu loop for the main menu bars that this form might contain. EnterMenuLoop iterates through all the child controls of this form and, if one of them is a TMenuBar, then starts its menu loop.
- FlipChildren(AAllLevels: bool) None ¶
- Focused¶
Specifies the control that has the focus set on it.
- Type:
- FormFactor¶
width, height, orientations, and devices.
- Type:
- Type:
Specifies the form factor for this FireMonkey form, that is, the TFormFactor properties
- FormFamily¶
Is a string property that specifies the form family this form is part of. The logic can choose a different form as the main form depending on size, if an app has several forms with the same .FormFamily value as the app’s main form.
- Type:
- FormState¶
Indicates transitional state information about the form. Read FormState to determine the state of the form. FormState indicates when the form is in various transitional states or when certain operations have occurred. The following table lists the values that can be included in a form’s state:
The form is recreating its handle and its window is being shown on the screen.
The form was created as a modal window.
- Type:
- FormStyle¶
Determines the form style. FormStyle is one of the Normal, Popup, or StayOnTop values defined in TFormStyle.
- Type:
- FullScreen¶
Indicates whether the form is in fullscreen mode. Use FullScreen to specify whether the form is in fullscreen mode.
- Type:
- GetBounds()¶
Bounds of form - position and size.
- GetBoundsF()¶
Embarcadero Technologies does not currently have any additional information.
- GetRecognizers()¶
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- GetTabList()¶
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- Handle¶
Specifies the handle of this form.
- Type:
- HandleNeed()¶
- HandleNeeded()¶
The HandleNeeded method requests the form to create its handle at this moment and all the resources associated to it.
- Height¶
Specifies the vertical size of the form (in pixels). Use the Height property to read or change the height of the form.
- Type:
- Hide()¶
Hides the form. Hide sets the Visible property to False.
- Hovered¶
Identifies the control over which the mouse pointer is hovering. Used internally for mouse hovering-over purposes.
- Type:
- InitializeNewForm()¶
Performs several initializations required by this form. These initializations include bounds, width and height, border icons, border style, and client size for the form. InitializeNewForm is used by the form constructors.
- Invalidate()¶
Schedules a repaint of this form. Invalidate informs the form that its entire surface needs to be repainted. Calling Invalidate can prevent flicker caused by a series of partial repaints. There is no performance penalty for calling Invalidate multiple times before the form is actually repainted.
- IsHandleAllocated()¶
Returns true only if the handle is allocated.
- IsPopupForm()¶
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- KeyDown(Key: int, KeyChar: unicodechr(str), Shift: ShiftState) None ¶
Executed when a key is pressed while this form has the input focus. In FireMonkey framework KeyDown is the main method to process pressing of keys in forms. KeyDown is executed each time a key is pressed, when this form has the input focus. KeyDown is used internally: to activate menus and actions and to treat TAB requests to cycle through the children controls of this form. Editors can use KeyDown to add symbols into a text being edited. You can override KeyDown to provide additional key treating in subclasses. KeyDown has the following parameters:
Is the scan code of the pressed keyboard key or $0. The UITypes unit defines Virtual Keys providing symbolic constants for scan codes of keyboard keys. Physical scan codes of the same key can differ under different platforms (Windows or iOS). Under FireMonkey framework, platform-specific units (for example FMX.Platform.Mac.pas) should translate native (iOS for FMX.Platform.Mac.pas unit) scan codes to the corresponding Windows codes defined in the UITypes unit. As the result Key always has scan code values defined by vkXXXX constants in UITypes. For example,
vkReturn = $0D; { 13 } corresponds to the RETURN keyboard key vkEscape = $1B; { 27 } corresponds to the ESCAPE vkSpace = $20; { 32 } corresponds to the SPACE vkF2 = $71; { 113 } corresponds to the F2 keyboard key Keys of digits and letters – independently of the selected input language and case of alphabetic keys – have values corresponding to the ‘0’..’9’ and ‘A’..’Z’ symbols. For example, Key = vkP = $50 corresponds to the ‘P’ keyboard key. If Key = $0, then KeyChar contains a pressed symbol according to the current keyboard’s input language, keyboard mode (CAPS LOCK and NUM LOCK keys), keyboard Shift state, and Input Method Editor (IME) state. Combinations of the Key and Shift parameters can be translated to shortcut key combinations.
Is the pressed character (digit) or #0. If a pressed key combination can be handled as a printable character or digit, then Key = 0 and KeyChar contains a pressed symbol according to the current keyboard’s input language, keyboard mode (CAPS LOCK and NUM LOCK keys), keyboard Shift state, and IME state. Editors can use this symbol to add into a text being edited.
Determines the state of the CTRL, ALT, SHIFT, and CMD (only for Mac) keys at the moment you press the key.
KeyDown processes pressed keys according to the following algorithm:
KeyDown first calls the IsDialogKey with the same parameters as those specified for KeyDown. The IsDialog parameter returns True if KeyChar < ‘ ‘ or Shift is any of the CTRL, ALT or CMD keys. That is, if the KeyChar and Shift combination identifies some control combination – not a printable character. Otherwise, it returns False. The ‘ ‘ character has the $20 ASCII value. ASCII values less than $20 identify control combinations. If IsDialogKey returns True in the IsDialog parameter, then the pressed key combination is passed, in the following order, to all child controls, menus and action lists in the form until this key combination is processed: To the control having focus. To the context menu of the control having focus. To all other menus and context menus in the form. To all other controls (not having focus) in the form. To action lists in the form and in all child components having assigned action list elements. To menus and action lists in all other forms. If the pressed key combination was processed during one of the previous steps, then KeyDown sets Key = 0 and KeyChar = #0 and terminates. If Key = vkTab, then KeyDown moves the focus to the next control in the controls “tab order” and terminates. If Key <> 0 or KeyChar <> #0, then KeyDown calls the KeyDown method of the control having focus and then calls the OnKeyDown event handler of the form if one is assigned. In the finally block, KeyDown stores the current date and time in the LastKeyPress and LastUserActive properties of the current application.
- KeyUp(Key: int, KeyChar: unicodechr(str), Shift: ShiftState) None ¶
Is executed each time when a key is released while this form has the input focus. First, KeyUp calls the OnKeyUp event handler (if one is defined) of the control having input focus, then KeyUp calls the OnKeyUp event handler. In the finally block, KeyUp stores the current date and time in the LastKeyPress and LastUserActive properties of the current application. KeyUp has the following parameters:
Key is the scan code of the pressed keyboard key. The UITypes unit defines Virtual Keys providing symbolic constants for scan codes of keyboard keys. KeyChar is the character representation of the pressed key. Shift determines the state of the CTRL, ALT, SHIFT, and CMD (only for Mac) keys at the moment you press the key. You can override KeyUp to provide additional ways to handle keys in subclasses.
- Left¶
Specifies the X coordinate of the upper-left corner of the form, relative to the screen. Use Left to locate the top of the form or reposition the form to a different X coordinate. The Left property, like the Top property, is the position of the form relative to its container (the screen), in pixels.
- Type:
- LoadProps()¶
Load properties from a .pydfm file
- ModalResult¶
Represents the return value of a form that is used as a modal dialog box. Use ModalResult to close the form when it is displayed modally. By default, ModalResult is mrNone. Set ModalResult to any nonzero value to close the form. The ModalResult value becomes the return value of the ShowModal function called to display the form. The following table lists the constants defined in the System.UITypes unit to be used for the ModalResult property of the TModalResult type.
None. Used as a default value before the user exits.
idOK = 1
The user exited with the OK button.
idCancel = 2
The user exited with the CANCEL button.
idAbort = 3
The user exited with the ABORT button.
idRetry = 4
The user exited with the RETRY button.
idIgnore = 5
The user exited with the IGNORE button.
idYes = 6
The user exited with the YES button.
idNo = 7
The user exited with the NO button.
idClose = 8
The user exited with the CLOSE button.
idHelp = 9
The user exited with the HELP button.
idTryAgain = 10
The user exited with the TRY AGAIN button.
idContinue = 11
The user exited with the CONTINUE button.
mrContinue + 1 (12 or $C)
The user exited with the ALL button.
mrAll +1 (13 or $D)
The user exited with the NO TO ALL button.
mrNoToAll +1 (14 or $E)
The user exited with the YES TO ALL button.
You can check a ModalResult value using the global IsAbortResult, IsAnAllResult, IsNegativeResult, or IsPositiveResult functions and use the StripAllFromResult function to convert ModalResult values that refer to “ALL” buttons to identifying values corresponding simple buttons (Ok, No, or Yes).
Note: This property can be modified automatically setting corresponding ModalResult properties of controls in the modal form.
- Type:
- MouseCapture()¶
Sets the mouse capture to this window, which belongs to the current thread.
- MouseDown(Button: MouseButton, Shift: ShiftState, AFormX: float, AFormY: float) None ¶
Executes each time you press a mouse button. MouseDown has the following parameters:
Button specifies the mouse button that has been pressed. Shift determines the state of the CTRL, ALT, and SHIFT keys at the moment you press the mouse button. X specifies the horizontal position of the mouse. Y specifies the vertical position of the mouse.
- MouseLeave()¶
Executes each time the mouse leaves the surface of this form.
- MouseMove(Shift: ShiftState, AFormX: float, AFormY: float) None ¶
Executes each time you move the mouse over the surface of this form. MouseMove has the following parameters:
Shift determines the state of the CTRL, ALT, and SHIFT keys at the moment you released the mouse button. X specifies the horizontal position of the mouse. Y specifies the vertical position of the mouse.
- MouseUp(Button: MouseButton, Shift: ShiftState, AFormX: float, AFormY: float, DoClick: bool) None ¶
Executes each time you release a mouse button. MouseUp has the following parameters:
Button specifies the mouse button that has been released. Shift determines the state of the CTRL, ALT, and SHIFT keys at the moment you released the mouse button. X specifies the horizontal position of the mouse. Y specifies the vertical position of the mouse.
- MouseWheel(Shift: ShiftState, WheelDelta: int, Handled: bool) None ¶
Executes each time you roll the mouse wheel. MouseWheel has the following parameters:
Shift determines the state of the CTRL, ALT, and SHIFT keys at the moment you released the mouse button. WheelDelta indicates the distance the wheel was rotated. WheelDelta is positive if the mouse was rotated upward, and negative if the mouse was rotated downward. Handled specifies whether this form handles the mouse wheel, or other child controls do this.
- ObjectAtPoint(AScreenPoint: PointF) IControl ¶
Returns the object located at the given coordinates. ObjectAtPoint iterates through all the children of this form and returns the component situated at the coordinates given through the AScreenPoint TPointF parameter. If the object at the specified coordinates was not found, or is not an IControl, or its state is csDesigning, ObjectAtPoint returns nil. Otherwise the object is returned as IControl.
- OriginalContainerSize¶
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- Type:
- Padding¶
Specifies the padding of the form. The Padding of a form specifies how close, in pixels, the child of the form can come to each of its edges (top, left, bottom, right). Padding adds space to the inner side of the form. The child of the form is repositioned and resized, if necessary, to fit the Padding.
- Type:
- Parent¶
Returns/Sets the Control Visibility
- ParentForm¶
Specifies the parent form of this form. The ParentForm parent form must be an instance of a TCommonCustomForm descendant. ParentForm contains the parent component of the current TCommonCustomForm form. ParentForm is responsible for deleting the current TCommonCustomForm form. The value of ParentForm is set when you change the Parent property. If Parent is a form, then ParentForm is set to the value of Parent. Otherwise, ParentForm is set to the value of the form, to which the Parent belongs.
- Type:
- Position¶
Represents the size and placement of the form. Use Position to get or set the size and placement of the form. Position can have one of the following TFormPosition values:
The form appears positioned on the screen and with the same height and width as it had at design time.
The form appears in a position on the screen and with a height and width determined by the operating system. Each time you run the application, the form moves slightly down and to the right. The right side of the form is always near the rightmost side of the screen, and the bottom of the form is always near the bottom of the screen, regardless of the screen’s resolution. The operating system only supports this for overlapped windows. For a pop-up or child window (that has a BorderStyle of None, for example), the window is positioned in the upper-left corner of the screen. On OS X, the default position for new windows is the upper-left corner of the screen.
The form displays with the size you created it at design time, but the operating system chooses its position on the screen. Each time you run the application, the form moves slightly down and to the right. When the form can no longer move down and to the right and keep the same size while remaining entirely visible on the screen, the form displays in the upper-left corner of the screen. The operating system only supports this for overlapped windows. For a pop-up or child window (that has a BorderStyle of None, for example), the window is positioned in the upper-left corner of the screen. On OS X, the default position for new windows is the upper-left corner of the screen.
The form appears in the position you left it at design time, but the operating system chooses its size. The right side of the form is always near the rightmost side of the screen, and the bottom of the form is always near the bottom of the screen, regardless of the screen’s resolution.
The form remains the size you left it at design time, but is positioned in the center of the screen.
The form remains the size you left it at design time, but is positioned in the center of the screen. No adjustments are made for multi-monitor applications.
The form remains the size you left it at design time, but is positioned in the center of the application’s main form. No adjustments are made for multi-monitor applications. This position should only be used with secondary forms. If set for a main form, it acts like ScreenCenter.
The form remains the size you left it at design time, but is positioned in the center of the owner form. If there is no owner form, this position acts like MainFormCenter.
Note that, if Position is set to Default, DefaultPosOnly, or DefaultSizeOnly, and BorderStyle is set to None, the form will be positioned at (0,0).
- Type:
- RecreateOsMenu()¶
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- RecreateResources()¶
Recreates the context where the form renders itself.
- Release()¶
Warning: Release is deprecated.
Marks this TFmxObject object for delayed deletion.
- ReleaseCapture()¶
Releases the mouse capture from this window that belongs to the current thread and restores normal mouse input processing.
- RemoveRecognizer(Recognizer: InteractiveGesture) None ¶
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- SaveState¶
Specifies the save state of the FireMonkey form. The SaveState property is an instance of the TFormSaveState class, used to save the state of a form so this state can be restored once the application is restarted.
- Type:
- ScreenToClient(AScreenPoint: PointF) PointF ¶
Transforms the global screen coordinates to local client area coordinates. The global screen coordinates are given through the Point parameter.
- SendToBack()¶
Sends this FMX visual object to the background letting other overlapping visual controls that are on the same form to be on top of it. FMX.Forms.TCommonCustomForm.SendToBack inherits from FMX.Types.TFmxObject.SendToBack. All content below this line refers to FMX.Types.TFmxObject.SendToBack. Sends this FMX visual object to the background letting other overlapping visual controls that are on the same form to be on top of it. You can call SendToBack at run time as in the following code snippet:
or, at design time by right-clicking the FMX visual control and selecting Control > Send To Back from the pop-up menu.
- SetBounds(ALeft: int, ATop: int, AWidth: int, AHeight: int) None ¶
Sets the boundaries for this form. SetBounds has the following parameters:
ALeft–the left boundary ATop–the top boundary AWidth–the right boundary AHeight–the bottom boundary Sets the boundaries for this form. SetBounds has the following parameters:
ALeft–the left boundary ATop–the top boundary AWidth–the right boundary AHeight–the bottom boundary
- SetBoundsF(ALeft: float, ATop: float, AWidth: float, AHeight: float) None ¶
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- Show()¶
Displays the form onscreen. The form is displayed onscreen, with the specified Position.
Attention: On macOS, the Secondary window created by a modal windows must also be shown using ShowModal. Do not call Show for a window that is being shown from a window shown using ShowModal.
- ShowFullScreenIcon¶
Indicates whether the Mac fullscreen icon is visible. Use ShowFullScreenIcon to specify whether the Mac fullscreen icon or is visible.
Note: ShowFullScreenIcon has no visible effect in Windows.
- Type:
- ShowHint¶
Determines whether help hints are enabled or disabled for first level child controls in the form. For more information about the rules for enabling hints for a control, see Using Hints to Show Contextual Help in a FireMonkey Application.
TCommonCustomForm.ShowHint is a Boolean property set as True by default. When you place a child control in the form, and set the TControl.Hint property, the hint is displayed because the TControl.ParentShowHint is True by default.
If the TCommonCustomForm.ShowHint property of the form is set to False, the hint is not displayed in the child control. To show the hint for a control, even when the TCommonCustomForm.ShowHint property of the form is set to False, set TControl.ShowHint for the control to True.
- Type:
- ShowModal()¶
Shows the form as a modal dialog box. Use ShowModal to show the form as a modal dialog box. When a modal form is opened the application cannot continue to run until the modal form is closed. Thus, ShowModal does not return until the form has closed. When the form has closed, it returns the value of the ModalResult property. To close a modal form, set its ModalResult property to a nonzero value.
Tip: If the form contains buttons with a ModalResult property set to a value other than mrNone, the form automatically closes when the user clicks one of these buttons and returns the ModalResult value as the return value of ShowModal. Warning: Modal dialog boxes are not supported in Android apps. We recommend do not use modal dialog boxes on either of the mobile platforms (iOS and Android) because unexpected behavior can result. Avoiding usage of modal dialog boxes eliminates potential problems in debugging and supporting your mobile apps. Attention: On macOS, secondary windows shown from a modal window must also be shown modally using ShowModal, otherwise secondary windows do not gain focus.
- StartWindowDrag()¶
Signals that this form’s window is about to be dragged. StartWindowDrag exits if this form has a csDesigning component state.
- StartWindowResize()¶
Signals that this form’s window is about to be resized. StartWindowResize exits if this form has a csDesigning component state.
- StyleBook¶
Specifies the style book for this form. For more information on how to customize the looks of a FireMonkey application with styles, refer to the Customizing FireMonkey Applications with Styles help topic.
- Type:
- SystemStatusBar¶
System status bar settings on mobile platforms.
- Type:
- Top¶
Specifies the Y coordinate of the upper-left corner of the form, relative to the screen. Use Top to locate the top of the form or reposition the form to a different Y coordinate. The Top property, like the Left property, is the position of the form relative to its container (the screen), in pixels.
- Type:
- Touch¶
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- Type:
- Transparency¶
Indicates whether the form is transparent or not. Use Transparency to determine whether the form is displayed as a totally transparent one. However, note that in this situation, all the controls will not be transparent and will be displayed normally. Only the form’s background will be set to a transparent state. If you set Transparency to True, the form will not display its title bar, nor its border. This means that you need to apply programmatic methods (involving setting of the Top and Left properties) to move the form on the screen surface.
- Type:
- Visible¶
Indicates whether the form is visible. Use Visible to determine whether the form is visible. If Visible is True, the form is visible unless it is completely obscured by other forms. If Visible is False, the form is not visible. The Show and ShowModal methods set Visible to True and bring the form to the front of all open windows.
- Type:
- Width¶
Specifies the horizontal size of the form (in pixels). Use the Width property to read or change the width of the form.
- Type:
- WindowState¶
Represents how the form appears on the screen. Set WindowState to minimize, maximize, or restore the form window. Read WindowState to determine whether the form is minimized, maximized, or in a normal state. Possible values for the WindowState property are:
wsMaximized wsMinimized wsNormal
- Type:
- WindowStyle¶
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