Qualified name: delphifmx.CustomMemo
- class CustomMemo¶
TStyledControl.ApplyStyleLookup() Gets and applies the style of a TStyledControl.
Delete selected text
Copies the selected text from the memo control to the system Clipboard.
Copies the selected text to the system Clipboard and then deletes the selected text.
TCustomMemo.DeleteFrom(APosition: CaretPosition, ALength: int, Options: DeleteOptions) -> None From the memo's text, deletes the fragment of text that has the ALength number of characters and begins at APosition.
Removes the selected text from the memo control.
Moves the cursor to the beginning of the current visual line.
Moves the cursor to the end of the current visual line.
Moves the cursor to the beginning of the text in the memo control.
Moves the cursor to the end of the text in the memo control.
TStyledControl.Inflate() Call this procedure to get and apply its style lookup.
TCustomMemo.InsertAfter(APosition: CaretPosition, AFragment: str, Options: InsertOptions) -> None Inserts the AFragment string into the memo's text, at APosition.
TStyledControl.NeedStyleLookup() Call this procedure to indicate that this control requires to get and apply its style lookup.
Copies the contents of the system Clipboard to the memo control.
TCustomMemo.PosToTextPos(APostion: CaretPosition) -> int Converts a Line/Pos coordinate of a character into a number of this character in the text of the memo.
TCustomMemo.Replace(AStartPos: int, ALength: int, AStr: str) -> None Replaces the ALength number of characters, beginning from the AStartPos position, with the AStr string.
Cancel the text selection if it exists.
Selects all the text in the memo control.
Selects the word that contains the cursor.
TCustomMemo.TextPosToPos(APos: int) -> CaretPosition Converts APos into a Line/Pos coordinate in the memo control.
Undoing the latest text change made in the memo control.
Specifies the absolute rectangle of the control after all its parent controls clip it.
Specifies whether the control is absolutely enabled.
Specifies the absolute height of the control.
Specifies the absolute transformation matrix of the control.
Specifies the absolute opacity of the control.
Specifies the absolute rectangle that bounds the control.
Specifies the absolute scale of the control.
Specifies the absolute width of the control.
Specifies whether the component object has an associated action.
Updates the width and height of this control according to its current style
Determines if and how the width and height of this control should be modified to take the fixed space dictated by the style of this control
Specifies the alignment options (top, left, client, and so on) of this control.
Specifies how the control is anchored to its parent.
A flag that signals when a control is in the process of applying an effect.
Indicates that the size of the scrolling content is calculated automatically according to the size of the components in content.
Specifies whether the control captures mouse events.
Defines that scrollbars hide automatically when you scroll.
Defines whether the system selects all the memo's text when the control receives focus.
Specifies whether the control's text should be translated
A TRectF defined by the width and height of the control.
Indicates if it is possible to scroll content abroad.
Specifies the bounding rectangle of the control.
Specifies whether the parent of this control should be evaluated to receive focus.
Provides the drawing surface of the control.
Provides access to the TCaret attached to the memo control.
Provides access to the current cursor position in the memo's text.
Defines the character case for the text within the memo control.
Defines whether the spell-checking feature of the memo control is on or off.
Stores an array of children attached to this parent component.
Read-only property that specifies the number of children in the children list.
Specifies the bigger rectangle area occupied by parent and children controls.
Returns the TObject.ClassName
Specifies if children of the control should be clipped to the control's on-screen region.
Specifies whether the current control has clipped its parent.
Specifies the bound rectangle to be clipped.
Specifies the interface reference implemented by the component.
Returns the owned component count
Indicates the position of the component in its owner's Components property array.
Describes the current state of the component, indicating when a component needs to avoid certain actions.
Governs the behavior of the component.
Returns an iterator over the owned components
Container that can hold scrollable content of the scroll box.
The content bounds.
Returns the control from style that will wrap its scrolling content.
Current content size.
Returns an iterator over contained controls
Returns the count of contained controls
Image to use to represent the mouse pointer when it passes into the region covered by the control.
Stores a Tvalue, which is a data structure that can store different kinds of data types.
The types of information that can be detected in the memo text.
Embarcadero Technologies does not currently have any additional information.
Returns a string with the name of the default style of this control
Contains information used by the Form designer.
Embarcadero Technologies does not currently have any additional information.
Specifies whether the control has the focus effect disabled.
Defines that the control does not have reaction to Mouse-Wheel event.
Specifies how the control initiates drag-and-drop operations.
Specifies whether the control is highlighted when the dragged object is over it.
Specifies whether the control responds to mouse, keyboard, and timer events.
Enables or disables scrolling.
Embarcadero Technologies does not currently have any additional information.
Specifies the family, size, and style properties of the text font in the memo control.
Specifies the font color of the text in this memo.
Returns the horizontal scrollbar component.
Specifies whether the control has an effect that is applied after the control is painted.
Control that is a direct child of this control and has clipped this control.
Specifies whether the control's effect is painted.
Specifies whether the control has an applied effect.
Height specifies the vertical size of the control (in dp).
Contains the numeric context ID that identifies the Help topic for the control.
Contains the keyword string that identifies the Help topic for the control.
Specifies whether the control's context-sensitive Help topic is identified by a context ID or by keyword.
Determines whether to cancel the visual indication of the selected text region when the memo control does not have the focus.
Specifies the text string that appears when the user moves the mouse over a control.
Enables the control to capture mouse events.
For internal use only.
Specifies whether the control is currently being painted.
Specifies the index of the child object in the children array attached to this object.
Image used to represent the mouse pointer when it passes into the region covered by the control.
Specifies the inverse matrix of AbsoluteMatrix.
Specifies whether a dragged object is over the area of the current control.
Determines whether the control has input focus.
Whether the current style of this control has been actually applied to the control.
Specifies whether the mouse cursor is over the control.
Specifies whether the control is visible.
Specifies the type of on-screen keyboard to be displayed for the memo control.
Provides access to the individual lines in the memo text.
Specifies the local rectangle for painting the control.
Specifies whether the control is locked at design time.
Aligns the component to the margins points of other components.
Specifies the maximum number of characters that can be kept in the memo control.
Holds the data model of the memo control.
Specifies the name of the component as referenced in code.
Indicates the TObservers object added to the TComponent.
Callable[[Object, GestureEventInfo, bool], None]:
Specifies the control opacity.
Returns the Component Owner
Aligns the component to the padding points of other components.
Returns/Sets the Control Visibility
The name of the default style of the parent class of this control.
Specifies the parent control of this control.
Specifies the bounding rectangle of the control within its parent.
Specifies whether all the control's parents are visible.
Specifies the context (pop-up) menu object.
Returns an access to the position of the control inside its parent
Indicates whether the control is currently pressed.
A point that indicates where exactly on the control the click occured.
Specifies whether the memo's text can be changed.
Specifies the root parent of this object.
Specifies the current scene in which the control is drawn.
Enables or disables scrolling animation.
Defines the available scroll directions.
Specifies the number of characters that are selected in the memo control.
Specifies the zero-based number of the first character selected in the memo's text.
Represents the currently selected fragment of the memo's text.
Represents the brush to draw the selected text region in the memo control.
Specifies whether the Hint can be shown.
Defines scrollbars visibility.
Shows a small control in the right-bottom corner that represents the size of the changing control.
Specifies the vertical and horizontal size (Size.Height and Size.Width) of the control (in pixels).
Specifies whether this object is stored in the .XFM file.
Specifies the name of the resource object to which the current TStyledControl is linked
Specifies the style name for this FMX component.
This property allows you to define the current state of style
Defines the set of styled text representation properties whose values are loaded from the current style and cannot be changed manually.
Indicates the position of the control in its parent's tab order.
Embarcadero Technologies does not currently have any additional information.
Stores a NativeInt integral value as a part of a component.
Custom property that stores any floating-point value.
Custom property that stores any object value.
Custom property that stores any string value.
Represents the entire text displayed in the memo control.
Specifies the horizontal alignment of the text in the memo control.
Keeps the values of styled text representation properties that are set in the Object Inspector or programmatically.
Specifies the touch manager component associated with the control.
Set of optional pixel values you can specify to expand the touch target of a FireMonkey styled control.
Defines if the control reacts to touch events.
Specifies the rectangle area of the control that needs to be updated.
Represents information used internally by components that support COM.
Returns the vertical scrollbar component.
Position of the view port of the ScrollBox content.
Size of the view port of the ScrollBox content.
Returns/Sets the Control Visibility
Specifies the horizontal size of the control (in pixels).
Specifies whether to wrap the text in the memo when its length is greater than the memo width.
- AdjustSizeValue¶
Updates the width and height of this control according to its current style
- AdjustType¶
Determines if and how the width and height of this control should be modified to take the fixed space dictated by the style of this control
- ApplyStyleLookup()¶
Gets and applies the style of a TStyledControl.
- AutoSelect¶
Defines whether the system selects all the memo’s text when the control receives focus. AutoSelect defines whether the system selects all the Text included in the TCustomMemo memo when the control receives focus. If AutoSelect is True, then all text is selected when the memo receives focus. In TMemo, AutoSelect is set to False.
- Type:
- AutoTranslate¶
Specifies whether the control’s text should be translated
- Caret¶
Provides access to the TCaret attached to the memo control.
- Type:
- CaretPosition¶
Provides access to the current cursor position in the memo’s text. Use CaretPosition to determine the coordinates of the cursor (insertion point) in the memo control. The TCaretPosition type has Line and Pos integer fields:
Line represents the number of the line containing the cursor, indexed from zero. Pos represents the horizontal character coordinate of the cursor, indexed from zero. Modify the value of the CaretPosition property in order to change the position of the cursor within the memo control. In order for the cursor to be visible, the memo control must have focus. Thus, if Line = 3 and Pos = 5, then the cursor is at the fourth line and at the sixth character from the start of the line.
- Type:
- CharCase¶
Defines the character case for the text within the memo control. Modify the CharCase|CharCase property’s value in order to change the case of the text in the memo control. Options are: ecNormal, ecUpperCase and ecLowerCase.
- Type:
- CheckSpelling¶
Defines whether the spell-checking feature of the memo control is on or off. This property enables spell checking on the TMemo component. When set to True a red squiggly line appears underlining the words misspelled. The spell checking is performed by an operating system service. It is only supported on iOS and OS X.
- Type:
- ClearSelection()¶
Delete selected text
- CopyToClipboard()¶
Copies the selected text from the memo control to the system Clipboard. Use CopyToClipboard to replace the contents of the system Clipboard with the selected text. If no text is selected, CopyToClipboard does nothing.
- CutToClipboard()¶
Copies the selected text to the system Clipboard and then deletes the selected text. Use CutToClipboard to replace the contents of the system Clipboard with the selected text and then to delete the selected text from the memo control. If no text is selected, CutToClipboard does nothing.
- DataDetectorTypes¶
The types of information that can be detected in the memo text. DataDetectorTypes is used on native presentation for iOS only.
- Type:
- DefaultStyleLookupName¶
Returns a string with the name of the default style of this control
- DeleteFrom(APosition: CaretPosition, ALength: int, Options: DeleteOptions) None ¶
From the memo’s text, deletes the fragment of text that has the ALength number of characters and begins at APosition. Options specifies the delete options.
Note: If in a call of DeleteFrom, one removes TDeleteOptions.CanUndo from Options, then the implemented changes cannot be backed out. DeleteFrom internally calls Model.DeleteFrom.
- DeleteSelection()¶
Removes the selected text from the memo control. Use DeleteSelection to delete the selected text from the memo control. If the ReadOnly property is True or if no text is selected, DeleteSelection does nothing.
- Font¶
Specifies the family, size, and style properties of the text font in the memo control.
- Type:
- FontColor¶
Specifies the font color of the text in this memo. Use the FontColor property to read or change the font color of the text in this memo component. The default value of the FontColor property is TAlphaColorRec.Black.
- Type:
- GoToLineBegin()¶
Moves the cursor to the beginning of the current visual line. When WordWrap is True, then each line (in the memo text) can be separated into several ‘visual lines’. GoToLineBegin moves the cursor to the beginning of the current (pointed by the cursor) visual line.
- GoToLineEnd()¶
Moves the cursor to the end of the current visual line. When WordWrap is True, then each line (in the memo text) can be separated into several ‘visual lines’. GoToLineEnd moves the cursor to the end of the current (pointed by the cursor) visual line.
- GoToTextBegin()¶
Moves the cursor to the beginning of the text in the memo control.
- GoToTextEnd()¶
Moves the cursor to the end of the text in the memo control.
- HideSelectionOnExit¶
Determines whether to cancel the visual indication of the selected text region when the memo control does not have the focus. If HideSelectionOnExit is False, then the memo keeps highlighting the selected text using the SelectionFill brush, even when the focus moves from the memo to another control.
- Type:
- ImeMode¶
For internal use only. Do not use this member. It is for internal use only. Specifies the TImeMode input mode for the memo control.
- Type:
- Inflate()¶
Call this procedure to get and apply its style lookup.
- InsertAfter(APosition: CaretPosition, AFragment: str, Options: InsertOptions) None ¶
Inserts the AFragment string into the memo’s text, at APosition. InsertAfter inserts in the memo’s text the string specified by AFragment at the position specified by APosition. Options represent a set of insert options.
Note: InsertAfter does not insert a newline character. If the Pos field of the APosition parameter is greater than the width of the specified line, then AFragment is inserted on the next line. Note: If in a call of InsertAfter one removes TInsertOptions.CanUndo from Options, then the implemented changes cannot be backed out. InsertAfter internally calls Model.InsertAfter.
- KeyboardType¶
Specifies the type of on-screen keyboard to be displayed for the memo control. Use KeyboardType to specify the type of on-screen keyboard that appears for the memo when ShowVirtualKeyboard is called.
- Type:
- Lines¶
Provides access to the individual lines in the memo text. The memo text can contain several line break symbols that separate the whole memo text into several lines. Depending on the current platform, a line break symbol can be a LF ‘line feed’ character (MacOS) or a CRLF ‘carriage return’ plus ‘line feed’ pair (Windows). Lines holds the memo text separated line by line. When WordWrap is True then each line (specified in the Lines property) can be wrapped into several ‘visual lines’ to fit to the memo width. However these several ‘visual lines’ are still represented by a single string element in the Lines property.
Notice that GoToLineBegin and GoToLineEnd move the cursor to the beginning or the end of the current (pointed by the cursor) visual line. Lines is a TStrings object, so you can use TStrings methods to work with the Lines property. For example, you can count the number of lines:
ShowMessage(‘The number of lines:’ + IntToStr(Memo1.Lines.Count));
You can add new lines:
Memo1.Lines.Append(‘New text to append at the end of memo’);
You can delete lines:
Memo1.Lines.Delete(0); // Deletes the fist line from memo
You can replace a line with a new string:
Memo1.Lines[8] := ‘Replace 9th line with this string’;
To work with all the memo’s text at once, one can use the Text property.
- Type:
- MaxLength¶
Specifies the maximum number of characters that can be kept in the memo control. If the text in the memo control contains more characters than the MaxLength, then the text is truncated to the MaxLength characters. If the memo control already contains a number of characters equal to MaxLength, then the user cannot enter any more characters. MaxLength counts end-of-line characters. If MaxLength is 0, then no explicit length limitation is set.
Note: Even when MaxLength is 0, there may be limitations imposed by a platform on the number of characters that may be entered into a memo control.
- Type:
- Model¶
Holds the data model of the memo control.
- Type:
- NeedStyleLookup()¶
Call this procedure to indicate that this control requires to get and apply its style lookup.
- PasteFromClipboard()¶
Copies the contents of the system Clipboard to the memo control. PasteFromClipboard copies the contents of the system Clipboard, if possible, to the memo control, at the position of the cursor. If there is text selected in the memo control, the selected text will be removed. If the content of the system Clipboard is not a string, PasteFromClipboard does nothing.
- PosToTextPos(APostion: CaretPosition) int ¶
Converts a Line/Pos coordinate of a character into a number of this character in the text of the memo. PosToTextPos returns an integer an integer representing a position of the character specified by APosition in the memo control. The APosition position is specified in the TCaretPosition format which uses the Line number and Pos horizontal shifting of the character in the memo control. Keep in mind that PosToTextPos calculates the character number counting end-of-line characters. For example, if the first line of a memo’s text contains ‘Hello’ and the second line contains ‘Goodbye’, then the following code:
MyPosition.Line := 1; //Zero-based MyPosition.Pos := 1; //Zero-based MyString := Copy(Text, PosToTextPos(MyPosition) + 1, 3);
sets MyString to ‘odb’, which are the three characters starting from the third character of the second line. PosToTextPos internally calls Model.PosToTextPos.
- ReadOnly¶
Specifies whether the memo’s text can be changed. ReadOnly equals to True forbids any modification of the text in the memo control.
- Type:
- Replace(AStartPos: int, ALength: int, AStr: str) None ¶
Replaces the ALength number of characters, beginning from the AStartPos position, with the AStr string. The caret is moved to the position of the last inserted character.
- ResetSelection()¶
Cancel the text selection if it exists. The ResetSelection method internally sets the SelLength property to 0.
- SelLength¶
Specifies the number of characters that are selected in the memo control. Read SelLength to determine the length, in characters, of the selected text. Set the value of the SelLength property in order to specify the length of the selected text, starting at SelStart. Keep in mind that the character count from SelLength will include end-of-line characters at the end of each line. To select a particular range of the text, first set SelStart to position the cursor, and then set SelLength to extend the selection. The memo component must have focus (call SetFocus) before you attempt to use SelStart; otherwise the selection is invisible.
Note: Setting SelLength to a value greater than the number of characters from SelStart to the end of the text results in the selection of all characters from SelStart to the end of the text. Reading SelLength immediately after setting it to a value greater than the number of available characters returns the number of characters actually selected, not the value that was just set.
- Type:
- SelStart¶
Specifies the zero-based number of the first character selected in the memo’s text. Read SelStart to determine the number of the first selected character, where 0 indicates the first character. If there is no selected text, then SelStart returns the cursor position. Keep in mind that the SelStart character count includes end-of-line characters at the end of each line. To select a particular range of the text, first set SelStart to position the cursor, and then set SelLength to extend the selection. The memo component must have focus (call SetFocus) before you attempt to use SelStart; otherwise the selection is invisible.
- Type:
- SelText¶
Represents the currently selected fragment of the memo’s text. Use SelText in order to retrieve the text that is selected, from the TCustomMemo control. If there is no selection, SelText is an empty string. If the memo control does not have the focus, SelText represents the previous selected portion of the text.
- Type:
- SelectAll()¶
Selects all the text in the memo control. Use SelectAll to select all the text in the memo control. If there is no text in the memo control, SelectAll does nothing.
- SelectWord()¶
Selects the word that contains the cursor. In the memo’s text, SelectWord selects a delimited by word dividing characters (space characters, punctuation marks, and others) substring (word) that contains the cursor. Here word dividing characters are space characters, line feeds, and punctuation marks.
- SelectionFill¶
Represents the brush to draw the selected text region in the memo control. Use SelectionFill to change the brush characteristics for the selected text region in the memo control. For example, to change the background color of the selected text region, use:
Memo1.SelectionFill.Color := System.UIConsts.claCoral;
- Type:
- StyleLookup¶
Specifies the name of the resource object to which the current TStyledControl is linked
- StyleState¶
This property allows you to define the current state of style
- StyledSettings¶
Defines the set of styled text representation properties whose values are loaded from the current style and cannot be changed manually. Text representation properties are used as parameters for drawing texts in controls. The StyledSettings property is used in FMX controls such as TButton, TSpeedButton, TCheckBox, and others. Styles, for example Metropolis UI styles, define the default values of the text representation properties like font name, font size, word-wrapping, and others. The TTextSettings class define properties keeping values of the FontColor, TextAlign, VertTextAlign, Trimming, WordWrap, and Font (TFont.Family, TFont.Size, TFont.Style) elements defining visual parameters of a text representation. StyledSettings can contain the Family, Size, Style, FontColor, and Other values defined in TStyledSetting. The “Relation between TStyledSetting constants and TTextSettings properties” table shows which of the TStyledSetting constants control the handling of these TTextSettings text representation properties. Keep in mind that the values of all styled text representation properties listed in the StyledSettings are taken from a style and cannot be changed manually. For example, if you set a new value of the FontColor property of a TTextControl control, then the real updating of the font color takes place only if the StyledSettings property of this control does not contain TStyledSetting.FontColor. For more details, see the example in Setting Text Parameters in FireMonkey. To switch OFF a font property for a control, select the control in the Form Designer. In the Object Inspector, expand the StyledSettings property. Clear the check mark before the property. For example, the following figure shows a TButton control with Size turned OFF (for Button1) and ON (for Button2):
With StyledSettings you can also use the DefaultStyledSettings constant that defines the values of the styled properties that are taken from a style by default. Remember that the HorzAlign and VertAlign text representation properties stored in the TextSettings property of a control correspond to the TextAlign and VertTextAlign properties of the control.
- Type:
- Text¶
Represents the entire text displayed in the memo control.
Note: The visibility for Text is Public. Thus, Text is not available in the Object Inspector at design time. For manipulating the text in a TMemo, you should use FMX.Memo.TMemo.Lines, which is available at design time in the Object Inspector.
- Type:
- TextAlign¶
Specifies the horizontal alignment of the text in the memo control. Use the TextAlign property to change the horizontal alignment of the text in the memo control. TextAlign can be one of the Center, Leading, or Trailing values defined in TTextAlign. When you use text representation properties stored in the TextSettings property, remember that TextAlign corresponds to HorzAlign.
- Type:
- TextPosToPos(APos: int) CaretPosition ¶
Converts APos into a Line/Pos coordinate in the memo control. TextPosToPos returns the TCaretPosition format position of a character indicated by APos. TextPosToPos calculates the TCaretPosition.Line line number and TCaretPosition.Pos horizontal shifting, corresponding to the APos character count coordinate of a character in the text of the memo control. Keep in mind that APos counts end-of-line characters. For example, if the first line of a memo’s text contains ‘Hello’ and the second line contains ‘Goodbye’, then the following code:
OldPosition.Line := 1; //Zero-based OldPosition.Pos := 2; //Zero-based NewPosition := TextPosToPos(PosToTextPos(OldPosition) + 2);
sets the NewPosition.Line to 1 and NewPosition.Pos to 4. TextPosToPos internally calls Model.TextPosToPos.
- TextSettings¶
Keeps the values of styled text representation properties that are set in the Object Inspector or programmatically. TextSettings references a TTextSettings type object that handles values of styled text representation properties that are set in the Object Inspector or programmatically. TextSettings references a TTextSettings type object, which handles styled text representation properties to be used for drawing texts in this control. TTextSettings type objects provide all styled text representation properties and methods to manage them. The styled text representation properties are FontColor, TextAlign, VertTextAlign, Trimming, WordWrap, and Font (TFont.Family, TFont.Size, and TFont.Style). TTextSettings objects provide both styled text representation properties, whose values are loaded from a style (specified in StyledSettings), so all other styled text representation properties, whose values can be set manually, and methods to manage these text representation properties. The text representation properties identified in StyledSettings are loaded from the style and cannot be set manually. Remember that the HorzAlign and VertAlign text representation properties stored in the TextSettings property of a control correspond to the TextAlign and VertTextAlign properties of the control.
- Type:
- UnDo()¶
Undoing the latest text change made in the memo control. UnDo backs out, if possible, the latest change made to the text in the memo control. If no change has been made, UnDo does nothing.
Note: Remove TDeleteOptions.CanUndo from Options calling DeleteFrom or TInsertOptions.CanUndo from Options calling InsertAfter when modifying the text in the memo control, so that the changes cannot be backed out.
- WordWrap¶
Specifies whether to wrap the text in the memo when its length is greater than the memo width. Set WordWrap to True to wrap the text in the memo control. Wrapping implies the division of the text string that is wider than the memo control onto several lines that fit to the memo control’s width.
- Type: