Qualified name: delphifmx.Position
- class Position¶
Used for specifying a control’s position inside a form. A TPosition object is used for representing the position of a control inside its parent, or anywhere related X and Y values are needed. The position can be specified through the X and Y values, as a Point.
TPosition.Assign(Source: Persistent) -> None Copies the contents of another similar object to the current one.
Returns True if the components are the default ones, False otherwise.
TPosition.Reflect(Normal: PointF) -> None Returns the reflection of the current vector across a specified line.
TPosition.SetPointNoChange(P: PointF) -> None Embarcadero Technologies does not currently have any additional information.
Returns the TObject.ClassName
Specifies the default coordinates of the current object.
Provides access to the position of a control inside its parent
Embarcadero Technologies does not currently have any additional information.
Provides access to the X coordinate of a control inside its parent
Provides access to the Y coordinate of a control inside its parent
- Assign(Source: Persistent) None ¶
Copies the contents of another similar object to the current one. Assign copies the properties from another TPosition instance.
- DefaultValue¶
Specifies the default coordinates of the current object. Use the DefaultValue property to receive the default coordinates of a TPosition object.
- Type:
- Empty()¶
Returns True if the components are the default ones, False otherwise. Empty returns True if the X and Y coordinates are both the same as described by the DefaultValue property, False otherwise.
- Point¶
Provides access to the position of a control inside its parent
- Reflect(Normal: PointF) None ¶
Returns the reflection of the current vector across a specified line. Use the Reflect function to obtain the reflection of the current position across the perpendicular on the point given as parameter.
- SetPointNoChange(P: PointF) None ¶
Embarcadero Technologies does not currently have any additional information.
- StoreAsInt¶
Embarcadero Technologies does not currently have any additional information.
- Type:
- X¶
Provides access to the X coordinate of a control inside its parent
- Y¶
Provides access to the Y coordinate of a control inside its parent