Maintains a list of actions that can be used by components such as controls, menu items, and tool buttons. |
TCustomAction is a base class for FireMonkey actions intended to be used with menu items and controls. |
The base class for list of actions, without the published properties. |
A base class for actions that show a specified component when executed. |
Wrapper for Pascal class TCustomListView |
Represents a FireMonkey list view component that you can use to hold and present various types of items. |
Represents an animated spinning indicator used for illustrating an indefinite waiting time for application processes. |
Represents a general-purpose knob-style rotating button. |
Represents a track bar similar to that implemented by TTrackBar. |
Represents a push button that contains a text caption. |
A container for extra information relevant to another item, with a visual indicator pointing to that item. |
Represents a FireMonkey styled check box that can be either on (selected) or off (cleared). |
Represents a button with customizable corners. |
Represents the base class for all buttons. |
Represents a TCustomButton control and, additionally, provides the tools to customize shapes of TCustomCornerButton control's corners. |
Base class for all track bar components. |
Represents a graphical control used to hold multiple graphical controls with the possibility to expand or contract its display area. |
Represents a collapse/expand button used exclusively by the TExpander component. |
Represents a graphical control used to arrange multiple related graphical controls on the surface of a form. |
Represents a graphical control used to display images on a FireMonkey form. |
Represents a graphical control used to display text in FireMonkey forms. |
Represents a generic general-purpose panel used to hold multiple controls for organizing purposes. |
Represents a graphical control used to display information contained in TPathData within FireMonkey forms. |
Represents an animated progress bar indicator for general progress indication. |
Represents a radio (option) button. |
Represents a standard scroll bar that is used to scroll the contents of a window, form, or a control. |
Represents a graphical control used to dynamically resize FireMonkey forms. |
Represents a variation of a standard scroll bar. |
Represents a push button that contains a text caption, for usage in various toolbars that you might employ into your applications. |
TSplitter divides the client area of a FireMonkey form into resizable panes. |
Represents a status bar component for use in FireMonkey forms. |
Represents a two-way on-off switch for use in applications. |
Represents a thumb control for use with track bars. |
Represents a toolbar component for use in FireMonkey forms. |
Is a TCustomTrack with a set of published properties. |
Represents a general-purpose track bar for use in applications where tracking is required. |
TArc defines 2D arcs. |
A rectangle with a triangular "peak" on one of four sides, used primarily to render a TCalloutPanel. |
TCaretRectangle is a TRectangle descendant that can additionally hold caret (cursor) information. |
TCircle defines 2D circles. |
TCustomPath is the base class for all 2D path-type shapes representing groups of connected curves and lines. |
TEllipse defines 2D ellipses. |
TImage defines 2D image components. |
TLine defines 2D lines. |
TPaintBox defines a 2D image component providing a canvas that an application can use for rendering an image. |
TPath defines 2D path-type shapes representing groups of connected curves and lines. |
TPie defines 2D pies. |
TRectangle defines 2D rectangles with customized corners. |
TRoundRect defines 2D rectangles with rounded corners. |
TSelection defines 2D rectangle object that can be moved and resized. |
TSelectionPoint defines a 2D point object that can be moved. |
The base class for 2D graphic primitives--TLines, TRectangles, TPaths, and others. |
TText defines 2D text objects. |
Base class for the binding scope component. |
Wrapper for Pascal class TBaseLinkingBindSource |
Wrapper for Pascal class TBasicBindComponent |
Implements the bindings list component. |
Base class for all common binding components descending from it. |
Represents the base class for the binding list. |
Wrapper for Pascal class TCustomLinkPropertyToField |
Wrapper for Pascal class TLinkControlToField |
Wrapper for Pascal class TLinkListControlToField |
Wrapper for Pascal class TLinkPropertyToField |
Is a base class that implements a bind source for creating sample data. |
Wrapper for Pascal class TPrototypeBindSource |
The standard action for shutting down the current application. |
The standard action for hiding and showing (if hidden) a running macOS application. |
The standard action for hiding all macOS applications, except the receiver. |
A base class for actions that show a specified component when executed. |
A base class for standard actions that provides system functionality. |
Wrapper for Pascal class TValueRange |
Shows a component stored in the FmxObject property. |
Shows a component stored in the FmxObject property and shows the on-screen virtual keyboard over the surface of this component. |
The standard action for closing an active modeless form. |
TBasicAction is the ancestor class for all action objects. |
TCollection is a container for TCollectionItem objects. |
TComponent is the common ancestor of all component classes. |
TPersistent is the ancestor for all objects that have assignment and streaming capabilities. |
TStrings is the base class for objects that represent a list of strings. |
Specifies the bounds for a control. |
Used for storing the size of FireMonkey components. |
Represents a pop-up menu attachable to graphical controls that support pop-up menus. |
The base class for FireMonkey components. |
Used for specifying a control's position inside a form. |
A layout is a container for other graphical objects. |
Wrapper for Pascal class TCustomBufferedLayout |
Base class for media codecs. |
Base class to access media files. |
Nonvisual component for media file playback. |
Visual component to display video media files. |
Represents a column in a grid, whose cells show check boxes. |
Represents a column in a grid, whose cells use an editor similar to TDateEdit to edit cells in this column. |
Wrapper for Pascal class TDateTimeColumn |
Represents a column in a TGrid grid. |
Represents a column in a grid, whose cells show images. |
Represents a column in a grid, whose cells shows pop-up menus. |
Represents a column in a grid, whose cells show progress bars. |
Wrapper for Pascal class TStringColumn |
Represents a column in a grid, whose cells use an editor similar to TTimeEdit to edit cells in this column. |
Represents a rectangular-shaped color indicator. |
Represents a standard button that displays a color instead of a standard caption. |
Represents a combo box that allows you to select a color from a color palette. |
Represents a combo box that allows you to select an alpha color from a color spectrum. |
Represents a color selector component complete with alpha channel selection. |
Represents a color selector that displays the entire color spectrum. |
Represents a three-color gradient color selector. |
Represents a combo box that allows you to select an alpha color from a color spectrum. |
A TCustomComboBox is the base class for combo box components. |
Represents a gradient editor component. |
A TComboBox is a button with a list box attached to it. |
A TCustomComboBox is the base class for combo box components. |
A TCustomListBox is the base class for list box components. |
Wrapper for Pascal class TListBox |
A TListBoxItem is an item that is used in list box components. |
An edit box with a list of predefined choices. |
The base class for edit boxes having a list of predefined choices. |
The base class, implementing the basic functionality, for edit boxes having a list of predefined choices. |
TCommonCustomForm represents the base class for all forms, whether they are 2D or 3D. |
TCustomForm represents the base class from which you derive other windows such as dialog boxes and forms. |
TCustomPopupForm represents the base class for FMX pop-up forms. |
TForm represents a standard FireMonkey application window (form). |
TFrame is a container for components; it can be nested within forms or other frames. |
TControl is the base class for FMX on-screen components. |
TCustomControlAction is the base class for the actions that can be associated with some of the controls. |
TPopup provides a pop-up window. |
TStyledControl is the base class for customizable and user-interaction controls. |
TStyleBook stores a collection of styles for a form. |
Base class for all text controls such as TDateEdit. |
Base class for all edit boxes that manipulate only numerical values. |
TMemo is a multiline text editing control, providing text scrolling. |
The base class for MultiView components. |
The class for MultiView components that allows providing the master-detail interface. |
Wrapper for Pascal class TPresentedFramedScrollBox |
Wrapper for Pascal class TPresentedFramedVertScrollBox |
Wrapper for Pascal class TPresentedHorzScrollBox |
Wrapper for Pascal class TPresentedScrollBox |
Wrapper for Pascal class TPresentedVertScrollBox |
The base class for controls representing a scrolling area (scroll box). |
A control that arranges its child controls as if they were words in a paragraph. |
Extends TCustomScrollBox declaring published properties. |
Represents a TFramedScrollBox with an applied framedscrollboxstyle style lookup. |
A control that arranges child controls in a grid of equally sized cells. |
Implements a grid panel layout control in which each component is placed within a cell on a grid panel. |
Represents a TScrollBox restricted to horizontal scrolling. |
A layout is a container for other graphical objects. |
A FireMonkey scaled layout is a wrapper over TControl and acts like a layer for other objects with the possibility of scaling its content according to the physical dimensions of the layout. |
Extends TCustomScrollBox declaring published properties. |
Represents a TScrollBox restricted to vertical scrolling. |
General-purpose FireMonkey edit box. |
TCustomEdit is the base class from which all FireMonkey edit boxes and memo controls are derived. |
Wrapper for Pascal class TFMXBindNavigateAction |
Wrapper for Pascal class TFMXBindNavigateApplyUpdates |
Wrapper for Pascal class TFMXBindNavigateDelete |
Wrapper for Pascal class TFMXBindNavigateEdit |
Wrapper for Pascal class TFMXBindNavigateFirst |
Wrapper for Pascal class TFMXBindNavigateInsert |
Wrapper for Pascal class TFMXBindNavigateLast |
Wrapper for Pascal class TFMXBindNavigateNext |
Wrapper for Pascal class TFMXBindNavigatePost |
Wrapper for Pascal class TFMXBindNavigatePrior |
Wrapper for Pascal class TFMXBindNavigateRefresh |
Wrapper for Pascal class TFMXBindNavigateCancel |
Wrapper for Pascal class TFMXBindNavigateCancelUpdates |
Describes the structure of the form's main menu. |
Represents an editable menu bar. |
Represents a pop-up menu. |
TObject is the ultimate ancestor of all objects and components. |
TOpenDialog is a class used to display a file-selection dialog. |
wrapper for Delphi TPoint type |
wrapper for Delphi FMX TPointF type |
wrapper for Delphi TRect type |
wrapper for Delphi FMX TRectF type |
wrapper for Delphi TSize type |
wrapper for Delphi FMX TSizeF type |
A search edit control. |
A special presented edit box equipped with buttons to increment or decrement the displayed numeric value. |
TStyleManager handles styles-related operations. |
Wrapper for Pascal class TStream |
Embarcadero Technologies does not currently have any additional information. |
TTabControl is a tab set that has the appearance of notebook dividers. |
TTabItem is a tab item in a TTabControl component. |