Qualified name: delphifmx.StyleManager
- class StyleManager¶
TStyleManager handles styles-related operations. Use TStyleManager to:
Set and retrieve the active style. Load styles from files or streams.
TStyleManager.ActiveStyle(Context: FmxObject) -> FmxObject Returns the style that is currently set.
TStyleManager.ActiveStyleForScene(AScene: IInterface) -> FmxObject Embarcadero Technologies does not currently have any additional information.
TStyleManager.EnumStyleResources(Proc: StyleResourceEnumProc) -> None Enumetates all the registered style resource objects.
TStyleManager.FindStyleDescriptor(AObject: FmxObject) -> StyleDescription Returns the style description of the specified style.
TStyleManager.GetStyleDescriptionForControl(AObject: FmxObject) -> StyleDescription Embarcadero Technologies does not currently have any additional information.
TStyleManager.GetStyleResource(ResourceName: str) -> FmxObject Gets the style resource object.
TStyleManager.RegisterPlatformStyleResource(APlatform: OSPlatform, ResourceName: str) -> None Registers the style resource for the specified platform.
TStyleManager.RegisterPlatformStyleSelection(APlatform: OSPlatform, ASelection: Callable[[OSPlatform], str]) -> None Registers the style resource specified by selection.
TStyleManager.RemoveStyleFromGlobalPool(Style: FmxObject) -> None Removes the specified Style from the pool of styles.
TStyleManager.SetStyle(Style: FmxObject) -> None Sets the active style to the instance specified by the Style parameter.
TStyleManager.SetStyleFromFile(FileName: str) -> bool Sets the style specified by FileName as the active style.
TStyleManager.TrySetStyleFromResource(ResourceName: str) -> bool Loads the style from ResourceName and sets the style as the active style.
Uninitializes data about styles.
Updates the style for all the registered scenes.
Returns the TObject.ClassName
- static ActiveStyleForScene(AScene: IInterface) FmxObject ¶
Embarcadero Technologies does not currently have any additional information.
- classmethod EnumStyleResources(Proc: StyleResourceEnumProc) None ¶
Enumetates all the registered style resource objects.
- classmethod FindStyleDescriptor(AObject: FmxObject) StyleDescription ¶
Returns the style description of the specified style. FindStyleDescriptor returns the TStyleDescription object associated with the style specified by AObject, if such a description is set. You can set the style description fields using the Tools > Bitmap Style Designer dialog.
- classmethod GetStyleDescriptionForControl(AObject: FmxObject) StyleDescription ¶
Embarcadero Technologies does not currently have any additional information.
- classmethod GetStyleResource(ResourceName: str) FmxObject ¶
Gets the style resource object. GetStyleResource returns the style resource if it exits in cache. Otherwise it loads the style resource. ResourceName specifies the style resource as per name.
- classmethod RegisterPlatformStyleResource(APlatform: OSPlatform, ResourceName: str) None ¶
Registers the style resource for the specified platform.
ResourceName specifies the resource style. APlatform specifies the target platform.
- classmethod RegisterPlatformStyleSelection(APlatform: OSPlatform, ASelection: Callable[[OSPlatform], str]) None ¶
Registers the style resource specified by selection.
APlatform specifies the target platform. ASelection specifies the style selection with type TPlatformStyleSelectionProc.
- static RemoveStyleFromGlobalPool(Style: FmxObject) None ¶
Removes the specified Style from the pool of styles.
- classmethod SetStyle(Style: FmxObject) None ¶
Sets the active style to the instance specified by the Style parameter. To set the active style to the native system style, for example Windows theme, pass nil as the Style parameter.
Note: If you call the SetStyle function in the initialization section of a unit on the main project file, before Application.Initialize, then it is applied to all forms. Sets the active style to the instance specified by the Style parameter. To set the active style to the native system style, for example Windows theme, pass nil as the Style parameter.
Note: If you call the SetStyle function in the initialization section of a unit on the main project file, before Application.Initialize, then it is applied to all forms.
- classmethod SetStyleFromFile(FileName: str) bool ¶
Sets the style specified by FileName as the active style. Do not place multiple lines calling SetStyleFromFile in a project, because you can have only one active style in the style manager. You can call SetStyleFromFile either in the project source code (before calling Application.Initialize) or in the initialization section of one of the form units:
If you call SetStyleFromFile in a form, the style is reapplied. If you call SetStyleFromFile before the form is created, the custom style fully replaces the platform style. Example This Delphi code demonstrates how to use the StyleManager:
- procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- var
od : TOpenDialog;
- begin
od := nil; try od := TOpenDialog.Create(self); od.Filter := ‘Style Files|*.style’; if od.Execute() then
- finally
end; Sets the style specified by FileName as the active style. Do not place multiple lines calling SetStyleFromFile in a project, because you can have only one active style in the style manager. You can call SetStyleFromFile either in the project source code (before calling Application.Initialize) or in the initialization section of one of the form units:
If you call SetStyleFromFile in a form, the style is reapplied. If you call SetStyleFromFile before the form is created, the custom style fully replaces the platform style. Example This Delphi code demonstrates how to use the StyleManager:
- procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- var
od : TOpenDialog;
- begin
od := nil; try od := TOpenDialog.Create(self); od.Filter := ‘Style Files|*.style’; if od.Execute() then
- finally
- classmethod TrySetStyleFromResource(ResourceName: str) bool ¶
Loads the style from ResourceName and sets the style as the active style. TrySetStyleFromResource sets the style without raising exceptions.
- classmethod UnInitialize()¶
Uninitializes data about styles.
Note: This function is reserved for internal use only. Do not call it directly.
- static UpdateScenes()¶
Updates the style for all the registered scenes.