Qualified name: delphifmx.StyleStreaming
- class StyleStreaming¶
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TStyleStreaming.CanLoadFromFile(FileName: str) -> bool Loads a style from the specified file without raising an exception.
TStyleStreaming.CanLoadFromResource(ResourceName: str, ResourceType: PWideChar) -> bool Loads a style from the specified resource without raising an exception.
TStyleStreaming.CanLoadFromStream(AStream: Stream) -> bool Loads a style from the specified stream without raising an exception.
TStyleStreaming.DefaultIsSupportedPlatformTarget(PlatformTarget: str) -> bool Embarcadero Technologies does not currently have any additional information.
TStyleStreaming.LoadFromFile(FileName: str) -> FmxObject Loads a style from the specified file.
TStyleStreaming.LoadFromResource(Instance: int, ResourceName: str, ResourceType: PWideChar) -> FmxObject Loads a style from the specified resource.
TStyleStreaming.LoadFromStream(AStream: Stream) -> FmxObject Loads a style from the specified stream.
TStyleStreaming.SameStyle(Style1: FmxObject, Style2: FmxObject) -> bool Embarcadero Technologies does not currently have any additional information.
TStyleStreaming.SaveToStream(Style: FmxObject, AStream: Stream, Format: StyleFormat) -> None Embarcadero Technologies does not currently have any additional information.
TStyleStreaming.SetDefaultContainerClass(AClass: FmxObjectClass) -> None Embarcadero Technologies does not currently have any additional information.
TStyleStreaming.SetSupportedPlatformHook(AHook: Callable[[str], bool]) -> None Embarcadero Technologies does not currently have any additional information.
TStyleStreaming.TryLoadStyleDescription(Stream: Stream, Description: StyleDescription) -> bool This method tries to parse the style file and read the style description.
Returns the TObject.ClassName
- classmethod CanLoadFromFile(FileName: str) bool ¶
Loads a style from the specified file without raising an exception. CanLoadFromFile searches for the style specified by FileName. CanLoadFromFile returns True if the style is successfully loaded, and False otherwise.
- classmethod CanLoadFromResource(ResourceName: str, ResourceType: PWideChar) bool ¶
Loads a style from the specified resource without raising an exception. In the first signature CanLoadFromResource searches for the specified ResourceName with type ResourceType in the instace handle indicated by Instance. In the second signature CanLoadFromResource internally calls EnumModules in order to search for ResourceName in all modules of the application. CanLoadFromResource returns True if the style is successfully loaded, and False otherwise. Loads a style from the specified resource without raising an exception. In the first signature CanLoadFromResource searches for the specified ResourceName with type ResourceType in the instace handle indicated by Instance. In the second signature CanLoadFromResource internally calls EnumModules in order to search for ResourceName in all modules of the application. CanLoadFromResource returns True if the style is successfully loaded, and False otherwise.
- classmethod CanLoadFromStream(AStream: Stream) bool ¶
Loads a style from the specified stream without raising an exception. CanLoadFromStream searches for the style specified by AStream. CanLoadFromStream returns True if the style is successfully loaded, and False otherwise.
- static DefaultIsSupportedPlatformTarget(PlatformTarget: str) bool ¶
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- classmethod LoadFromFile(FileName: str) FmxObject ¶
Loads a style from the specified file. LoadFromFile returns a style object that can be set as the active style using the SetStyle method. Note that LoadFromFile does not automatically switch to the loaded style. To do that, call the SetStyleFromFile method.
- classmethod LoadFromResource(Instance: int, ResourceName: str, ResourceType: PWideChar) FmxObject ¶
Loads a style from the specified resource. LoadFromResource returns a style object that can be set as the active style using the SetStyle method. Note that LoadFromResource does not automatically switch to the loaded style. To do that, call the SetStyleFromFile method.
The instance handle of the loaded resource.
The string associated with the resource.
A string that identifies the type of resource.
- classmethod LoadFromStream(AStream: Stream) FmxObject ¶
Loads a style from the specified stream. LoadFromStream returns a style object that can be set as the active style using the SetStyle method. Note that LoadFromStream does not automatically switch to the loaded style. To do that, call the SetStyleFromFile method.
- static SameStyle(Style1: FmxObject, Style2: FmxObject) bool ¶
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- classmethod SaveToStream(Style: FmxObject, AStream: Stream, Format: StyleFormat) None ¶
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- classmethod SetDefaultContainerClass(AClass: FmxObjectClass) None ¶
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- classmethod SetSupportedPlatformHook(AHook: Callable[[str], bool]) None ¶
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